I believe as long as people (1) are not in debt OR have completed a filing for bankruptcy, AND (2) they’ve made arrangements for any dependants to be properly cared for after they’re gone, they should be allowed access to safe and painless (or as near-to-painless-as-possible) options for committing suicide. Yes, I’m completely serious. The reason I think so is not just because I think we all should have a right to end our own lives, but because if things were arranged that way on a *societal* level then I feel people would be more supportive of those around them. Sure you could still gaslight/invalidate […]
‘Pearls Before Swine’ by Stephan Pastis (May 6, 2012)
I’m not looking for advice at all since I have zero motivation to improve my lot in life. I’m merely writing this to ***** and vent and commiserate with any potential like-minded souls that might feel the same way while I’m still here.
I have no money. No job. And only got a high school diploma. I am 34 years old and am living with my parents, whom I […]
Consumed by worries, having frequent anxiety attacks. Need some advice
I need some advice. Lately I have been worrying a lot about different things, and it is causing me to have more frequent (sometimes daily) anxiety attacks. I cannot keep taking xanax for them everytime, I don’t want to form an addiction.
But anyway, I’ve had worries and thoughts bouncing around in my head at 100 miles an hour. I worry about dad who is working 2 minimum wage jobs and having an nondependable car to travel to work. , I worry about my brother with cerebral palsy who is confined to his room because he doesn’t like to go places for fear of inconviening other […]
I’m over 50, unemployed and very likely to remain so despite a good college degree and lots of experience. Â In November, my unemployment runs out so I shall be reduced to 400 euros a month – nobody can live on that.
My plan is to rent a chalet on a camping site – in October when it’s not too warm – and burn two hibachi barbecues inside. Â I was planning to do it in my camper, but I want to leave that to my sister and she wouldn’t want it if I’d died in it. Â Plus, I can leave the cat there as it is her […]
For ten years I’ve messed around with my brain. I was never happy and I’m still not. I’ve lost almost everything that matters.
Last night I woke up screaming. I was asleep, had JUST fallen asleep, and in my ‘dreams’ I was talking on the phone when I had a seizure. It felt so real. I fell forward, unable to reach the phone just staring at it. Finally I screamed. And that woke me up. This happens all the fucking time.
I laid there and I realized, the dreams really aren’t that bad. Even that terror that I feel at the last minute before the screaming wakes me, at […]
Please read my entire post before commenting…
My whole life has been me slipping in and out of depression, so I know what it’s like finally feel renewed and pull out of depression. That said, I’ve never felt this bad before about myself… it’s unprecedented for me to feel THIS bad. You know how people say they’ve hit rock bottom? Well, to give you perspective, I feel like rock bottom was the thing that hit me on the head, that’s how low I am.
So what happened to get me this low? It’s a list of things that have piled on me. 1) I only have $30 […]
Over the last 3 or 4 years, I have been sinking further into despair. I am now at a point where I am ready to exit. The times I have been most at peace over the last few years have generally been when I have been sleeping; I figure that a sleep where I never wake up would be a good thing. I know this might sound like a First World Problem, but my descent began when I got made redundant during the GFC. Since then, I have had to take jobs that have paid less, and also had to use up all of my savings during […]
I haven’t been paying my student loan. I CAN’T pay my student loan. Dad found the letter from.. well, whatever that place is called in english.
Mom has me calling the student loan people, but i can’t. I can’t dial the fucking phone!
When she first confronted me, i just.. flipped. Started crying and what not, and she said some mean things, saying how none of her kids ever grown up, and she’s right. I’m 21 and i can’t make a fucking phone call.
In the end i wound up screaming to her about how I’ve been wanting to kill myself since i was 12, but […]
I joined this community because I was at a loss. I have not been able to find support groups in my area or surrounding area. Since finding this site, I have felt some form of connection with individuals who understand and are struggling too. My story started the day I cut a bit too much and had the gun up to my head.  Then next day, I had been admitted to the hospital for 7 days, and treated for cutting and attempting suicide. The amazing thing since I have been out which has been approximately a month, I wish to God that I would have […]
25 years ago I committed a federal felony. I stole money from the bank I worked at. The details don’t really matter-I confessed to it because my conscience got to me & returned the money. Even though I did my time & paid my fines, I ruined my life. It in reality is a life sentence. Not even the POTUS has the authority to expunge the record after all these years. I managed to survive through the years but this economy has been impossible. I had been doing well: had my own home, a rental property & a […]
Today I set a date for checking out. I’ve chosen a method but have to do a bit more research. I’m nervous about it since I’ve tried killing myself a few times before and have bad luck and am spacey. I seem to survive strange things, like getting hit by a truck going 60 mph (I wasn’t in a car, was on the side of the road). This was not a suicide attempt–the guy was on coke and ran the car off the road–but just something that happened. I’ve also survived a savage dog attack where I got over 70 puncture wounds, lost some use […]