I dont know what to do. I am 13 years old and I dont know if I can take it anymore. My parents are divorced, my dad has anger issues and yells a lot. I feel like I have to protect my step brother and step sister because my step mom doesn’t do anything. My step mom gets stressed and takes her anger out on me. My mom is also stressed and takes her anger out on me. At school I try to be friends with everyone but everyone just ignores me and whispers behind my back about how I smell and how ugly I am. My heart has been crushed twice by both of the girls I liked. I just don’t know what to do. I want to die. I cant talk to my mom because she will just get angry with me, I cant get a psychologist because they cost money and I feel so helpless. I feel like that even if I died no one would care I had gone. I have a moderate to extreme case of depression diagnosed by my psychologist my mom no longer lets me see. I just dont want to do this anymore. This is the only place I can talk about this. It gives me a little bit of comfort that it’s just now me all alone in the world.
I know how you feel about being yelled at. My mom does the same thing. I know it may not mean a lotcoming from me, since i go through my own shit, but always think things happen for a reason. I still don’t know the reason for everything that has happend to me but i know there has to be. You’re 13 years old, i’m sorry to say, there will be a lot more heartache to come. Trust me. But it’s just becasue the right person hasn’t come along. I just got out of a hard relationship. I was engagded to this guy for 8 months and found out he had been cheating on me for a month. He’s happy in his new relationship. but i know she will never mesure up to me. sounds like i’m kinds into myself but i’m not. thats all you have to think, they will never mesure up to you. the right person will come along. I’m sorry sweetie, just stick it out. It’s a lot easier to give out advice then to isten to it. But i’m 18 and ive been dealing with depression since i was 4. it sucks but i promise things will work out
I am sorry you are struggling at home. Trust me, people WILL care if you leave. They will miss you and they will wish (pray and beg God) that you had reached out for help. It’s ok to ask for help.
PLEASE reach out and call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Keep this number handy, ok?
I know it really sucks right now but it can get better. You are NOT alone!!!
Let me ask you, if you were to plan your perfect day, your perfect vacation or an experience you knew that you’d have an amazingly fun time – what would you do? Think about that. Let your imagination run – picture yourself laughing, smiling and joking about.
I am 40 years old and spent – oh – like 25 years, if not more, in and out of depression and suicidal thoughts. It sucked. Lots of those years sucked really bad but you know what – I had a lot of fun too. I met great friends, people who understood me and walked by my side. I am now a really happy person and enjoy waking up each day.
Happiness is not an illusion. You can have it. Actually, that happiness is inside you – just give it a chance to get out and play.
Please, Don’t Give Up!…as I like to say, Don’t Give Up! Giggle On!
I know you feel so hopeless and like no one cares because I feel like that too so often, but you are so young.
I am going to give you the best advice you need right now.
you are still a child, and the way you think things are now is COMPLETELY DIFERENT from the way you will think of things 2, 3, 5 years from now. I am grown and just made horible mistakes, but YOU,
you still have a whole life to be happy. So your parents and teachers suck, you havent done anything wrong, htey just suck because, well, they do. But them sucking has not a damn thing to do with you
hey i care about you very much and no matter what you look like i will still be your friend. I went through this when I was 13 I basically tried everything, but in the long run it’s not worth it believe me. Maybe you can take your siblings out for a walk while this is going on in your house, or you can take your siblings to a neighbor’s house and stay there until everything settles at your house. There may be a lot of mistakes we make, but never consider suicide. Life is to short as it is already, and we take life for granted at times, but never give up. I’ve been through your situations and you know what I want to make a difference in other people’s lives and be better than my family ever was. I rise above them and do something that they can never do and that is to save lives like yours. Just consider what I wrote and I hope everything goes well at your house.
Thank you, I am 17 you are not alone. I’m a senior in high school, and I feel so lost.
hey, you can always talk on this site and school counselor’s are free : )
hey dude your not alone but u really need to just think about the good things in life u sound like ur going through a bad time but my parent never got married my father hasnt been around to much to watch me grow up and he missed out on alot. its really bad with me being a girl too and the youngest i never knew i had a sister until last year and im 14 yrs old now. i was happy and mad at them same time bcuz they never told me about her and she is 13 it would have been so cool if we would have met when we were younger but my father isnt the smartest man and he still isnt. i really dont like talking about my father really he is not one to be proud of. and i have one bestfriend she is the best and i love her like my own sister she helps me with all my problems and she is always there for me and im sure that u will meet somone like that and be happy
Yeah man,
Im 13 too.
Its rough.
I get the same shit from my mom.
Let alone I live in a horrible neighborhood.
But Cheer up bro ;D .
It’ll get better, I know it will.
Keep the spirit of a fighter and fight on >:D
Talk to me myspace.com/beastonthefield or chris.is_cool@yahoo.com
Look being 13 and in highschool should be the best years of your life. I honestly miss high school, thats when I was the happiest. After that college and the real world dont get any easier. I have problems at home too as well as bf drama that i dnt need but cant be helped. Idk my advice for you, I think for you, life will be easier as soon as ur done wit hs. I was a popular in hs i got along wit everyone and anyone however once u grad and start college all that highschool shit dont matter. Being popular and having a lot friends dont matter in college. Literally outside of being a teenager its all about being independent and just think that you already started and are ahead of the game. As for the love drama. That doesnt get any easier , in my opinion it just gets more complicated as you get older im 19 and my love life just keeps dwiddling away and is becoming more complicate, but really if u want to ever talk im here
… I want to live in a qorld where no one yells or gets mad at me for anything either…