Some of the thoughts & responses have really reshaped my perspective on life, humanity, truth, and pain.
But unfortunately, I got so depressed again at how humanity & mankind in REALITY are progressing.
I just looked at the latest update regarding Splinter’s story, and my chest suddenly feels so heavy, that I can’t explain it by mere words. Even I have such a very HARD time to sit in front of computer, and write another reply/comment,..and especially fueled with some unfortunate ‘flame wars’ here showed me of how differing each person’s perspective is,..and it makes me eventually ponder, think, and ask this ultimate question, that seemed to be already asked (i’m sure) by many people on this website here:
In the grandest scale, is there really still a HOPE for humanity & mankind??
Or, do you really think that humanity and mankind is just so hopeless???
I don’t know how old demographically are the people who posted here,
but if you’re young and uptodate to the current japanese entertainment world, there is this currently very popular worldwide anime/manga called Naruto.
And I don’t know if it’s just a mere coincidence, or there is ‘Something Higher’ (i don’t know what that is…) that is trying to show me something, through watching its very recent latest episode.
In that latest episode, once initially viewed as the ‘greatest villain/enemy’ of the hero’s village, startled the main hero with this main statement & question:
“Peace of the world is just an old-idealism. But Reality is far too different!
Human world is mostly ruled by hatred. So how can we ever achieve peace on this planet?”
This makes me think & ponder so much…, that I literally stopped ANY activity of the ‘superficial’ daily lives, even to say yes to my friends’ invitations to go ‘hang out’ and “forget the troubles away!”.Â
and even the main hero in the anime series got startled, puzzled, and stopped, and looks depressed & confused!…but he does resolve and determined to answer that greatest villain’s ultimate ‘big’ question (which I’ll have to wait for next week, for the next episode!).
But when I think about it,…and also as apparent in some of the posts & comments in this otherwise wonderful online website, I am just so SCARED & AFRAID that mankind is generally so flawed,..and mankind & humanity are currently progressing to the DESTRUCTION of their own, with all these ever-increasing materialistic & superficialities in MANY, many levels that even thinking of it just makes me want to throw up ‘cuz it’s just so sickening beyond words! (despite the so many ‘wonderful’ advances in technology that we have somewhat *evolved*).
But it seems that most people are forgetting the COST of such ‘technology advancements’ : the life full of damn competitions, hatred, and superficialities.
Even I asked myself another question:Â
Can human ever achieve a *pure*, sincere, real LOVE,..or is it something that only very very few humans can grasp, understand and do, especially in this ever-materialistic & superficial world?
Sure, some of you ‘positive people’ (and I used to be one of those groups..) may say things like “yes, there ARE still people who are willing, and capable to DO *unconditional* love, ie: love without expecting ANYTHING in return. just pure. selfless. love!
but still, compared to majority of humans, it’s sadly only a VERY FEW minority of humans (people) that do an ‘unconditional’ act of love & kindness, isn’t it?..
Majority of human beings seem to be living in the world of “i hate you”, “i don’t like you”, even “i must get rid of you at all costs”!
competitions, competitions, and more competitions…..and all for what?????????
Therefore, sometimes it does make me wonder…if those few minority of people could ever really change humankind, change the world for better?
Just like Splinter’s case seems to still be unresolved, about the murder of his wife & kid,…it saddens me so much & deeply, and makes me wonder is humanity and mankind really generally hopeless??
And keep in mind, we’re talking about the GRANDEST scale here. For centuries, and for ALL the entire planet! not just at the city or neighborhood you’re living!
If any of you have some insights on this, please share
as I am just currently so scared now, knowing this ugly Truth about mankind & humanity.
I am so scared that if I can’t find the answer to this question, then I’ll also succumb into feeling of USELESSNESS, being different from the rest of my peers & friends & siblings,…and hence, makes me feel damn alone, and perhaps, will lead a ‘dark life’ with no hope, and eventually perhaps, join so many of you in ending my life/committing suicide!
Is there still a hope?……
Hi Niki, here’s my thoughts on this matter;
Splinter too also has stopped me dead in my tracks, I think he has done this with quite a few people, and I think only those who have been so deeply touched by this is because they speak his language – he did in fact say that many people wont even understand what he is talking about. I believe that to be the case, I tested it myself; I asked my family and friends and work colleagues this since and not one of them really fully understand what is really being asked here, to answer it for themselves they say such things as ‘I help people to smile everyday, I try to being joy in as many peoples lives as possible and so on . . but isn’t that in itself a selfish act when you really think about it? If you truly were a true loving soul, you simply could not even THINK about smiling and making others smile when such terrible things are happening all over the world at that exact time that you WANT to smile and SEE others smile. If you condensed the world to a small building (like what splinter tried to do in his post and seemed to stick with me) and you knew that horrific things were happening there, would you really pay your board and lodge to those criminals and sleep soundly in the very next room knowing that rape, pedophilia and murder is happening next door?
Instead, society has taught us (very well) to be as selfish as possible, even kidding people into making each other ‘smile’ and find joy in a man made hell – it’s the ultimate con system! And everyone is falling for it. That is what splinter’s story has taught me – that to remain here and have the audacity to even try and carve out some happiness for yourself and others is actually funding the evils.
Something else he also taught me is that whilst the situation we are in today (mankind as it is right now) is ultimately hopeless. Because seeing and knowing the ‘truth’ is too painful and there is no going back from it (you cannot unlearn something), and even your loved ones will eventually have to turn their back on you because following the truth will absolutely upset their lives, and even happy lives are hard to maintain so no-one wants to risk losing what is already fragile. So ultimately he believes that he knows the truth and he has seen the light and because he has been shown that, he simply cannot live and fund the evil – for the respect of his own species he is taking his own life. I fully respect that and I will be following him.
However you look at the world, and mankind, it IS hopeless there is NO argument against that, oh people can try and they will believe their argument 100% because they have been taught to fear the truth at all costs. But splinter and now I dont believe that it is meant to be that way. I fully believe that it has been made this way by the evil of mankind but that mankind is NOT naturally evil and the only way you need to prove that to yourself is to see the UNHAPPINESS in the world. Even the ones prospering are unhappy – there is NO REAL unhappiness in the world and it makes me really laugh (and depressed) to hear people go on that happiness can be found in music and poetry and the arts and in nature – sure of course it can and that’s the ONLY happiness you can expect here on earth, but something else has taken over and is ruling and for you to ever take happiness from any of those god given gifts when your own species is being tortured is purely selfish.
Sorry I can’t make you any happier or prove to you that life is not hopeless at all, maybe someone else will be able to make you feel better, but I reckon you already know the answers Niki, you seem very smart and emotionally intact and unfortunately these days thats the curse. But I also believe, and splinter believes that one day things will overturn, it just wont be in our lifetimes, you only have to look around to see that its not gonna be anytime soon.
You either need to dumb down and join in and maybe squeeze a little selfish joy out of your life, or you die trying to save your fellow men, or you just give up.
Niki, I think you already know the answer to your question.
I think that happy people are selfish, sounds nasty to say that doesn’t it? But if you think about it, it’s true! Just like the germans eating in fine restaurants and dancing whilst the jews were dying slow and torturous deaths in camps next door. They were brainwashed into thinking they deserved that happiness and that life was improving! It’s a sure sign that all humans desperately want happiness but because we are being fed the wrong kind of happiness (fake bullshit) it is never going to satisfy us. It’s why we are controlled through the media with as much entertainment as our minds can cram in, to stop our natural thought processes taking over and sending us warning signs of danger! That’s what I think ‘mental illness’ is. But I don’t think that is is the way that is meant to be, not at all and I don’t think Splinter did either – it’s obvious coz just take a look around, everyone is either ill or unhappy, it’s NOT the way we are meant to be! But only a small few of us seem to have listened to our insides and took notice – but even despite that, the system has a pill for it! So go and take a pill or fall down the dark hole of your conscious because it is screaming at us at all to take some fucking notice!
Like your post btw Niki, I like to see people thinking real unselfish thoughts x
Love your post Niki, thanks. We are not in a natural evolution of mankind, it has been interfered with and not by something that has our best interest at heart, but by someone who is using us and control us so that THEY can live freely. If we all lived freely, the good would far outweigh the bad. Say for instance you took away the law; sounds a bit scary doesn’t it? You might be thinking that crime will end up ruling and the average woman wouldn’t be able to walk down the street without being raped. But that would not be the case. What splinter taught me was that evil is not as large as you are led to believe, it’s a con of the system. The average man is good – not perfect – but ultimately good. Yes, women would still be raped, but it’s not as often as one would think and most importantly, anyone hearing the womans screams would go and intervene because that would be following our own instincts (protection and fighting against the bad) but this ‘system’ has controlled us to the point that we must not intervene or we ourselves can be put in prison!! But the law doesn’t solve or prevent rapes anyway, in fact it protects the criminals more than the victims (splinter found this out first hand!). And worst than that, it has even backfired on our own selves and now we even believe that we are in a natural evolution and we are meant to be violent sadists, but listen to what splinter said, how many of you reading this can honestly say that you could comfortably listen to or watch a rape? Ask your friends ask your family, it’s hardly anyone! That’s the point splinter was trying to make, the system is conning us massively. He also said that the good would most definitely overrule the bad as it outnumbers them by millions, but we are controlled and brain washed. That brings me onto his other point – finding any happiness in this world is actually supporting the evil and therefore being a part of it. Harsh but true. But he did also say that it is not the individuals fault, they cannot know what they have no capability of knowing – just like he cannot un-know what he knows.
There is a shed load of hope, that’s what Splinter was trying to tell everyone but people don’t want to hear the truth cause it means that their whole life is a lie and our egos have been worked on so much that they rule our insides instead of our love, true pure love. But it is still there, it’s what yells at you late at night and stops you from sleeping, it’s what whispers to you even in moments of happiness cause any happiness gained from this world the way it is is a trick of the sinister that has taken over, which is why nobodys heart will ever really be fulfilled. Hence the majority of us having stress related illnesses, we’re not addressing our insides we’ve been tricked into ignoring it or the way to respond to it is to give a few quid to the poor. The only way to find happiness can only be obtained when we stop allowing the sinister to rule us and we start actually physically saving our suffering fellow men. Anything else is bullshit!!
People are like zombies under a spell, no two ways about it. Everyone wants comfort so the mere thought of saving anyone is just beyond their comfort zones and that is exactly that the rulers here want. Yet our spirits are much bigger than that, if only we would pay real attention to them and ACT. But all we want, like splinter says is a nice cup or tea and we think that just because we have reactions and feel emotions about some persons sadness, that in itself makes us a good person – A LAZY MAN’S RELIGION/PHILOSOPHY.
I’m not religious but to any christians out there, if your ‘messiah’ did ever make an entrance the way this world is at the moment, you would think he was a criminal, he would be PUT IN JAIL, you would all fear him, he would scare you shitless because you are all so terrified of losing your comforts, you believe that you are entitled to them and they are your only happiness. Just the same way your own conscious scares you. If anyone honestly believes that some messiah or god is going to come and ‘save’ you from this evil world, when you actually have had the ability to save yourself but you chose comfort and your own little oasis – you’re defenseless against that and an embarrassment to mankind and I applaud what splinter said about how he would love to see the look on all your faces when you do come to face your god, if there is one.
It is hopeless niki, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
This is what I learned: Firstly please forgive that I am not a beautiful writer.
Mankind is not hopeless, far from it, it’s so much easier than we think, it’s just because we are living under a false fear. That fear is even making us fear our own inner truth and our own inner love. Life is passionate and full of emotions to be experienced. Those experiences will not be perfect, but ‘perfection’ is another fake thing that we have been tricked into believing is obtainable, it’s an illusion. There will be anger and revenge involved in those emotions but there is also enormous true love, loyalty, strength and passion. There is always light and dark, there will always be seasons inside of your self and outside, in your environment. You shouldn’t fear them, they are giving you messages, just like an illness tells you you have a virus, you must listen to what it has to say. But society has taught us to fear and it has taught us that the only way to be good is to be passive, it has numbed our emotions, it has brain washed us into believing that that is the only way to be good.
If we were all left to our own devices, good would rule. But where does that leave the bad guys that are having a whale of a time right now? They don’t want to share the joys of the earth, the joys of strength and love. They keep us from the truth and keep us in line and we have let it take over.
But all you have to do is listen to your instinct, we all have it. It tells you when you are doing something wrong, and it tells you when you are doing something right, and what have you noticed from that? I bet if ever any of you have felt even for one second a moment of pure love it totally washes away any ill feeling, all past mistakes, all bad memories, it shows you how beautiful this very moment is and you forget all that is bad. That is why good will ALWAYS overrule bad. The strength that is found in love is so enormous, you can’t even comprehend it – the power you would have if only you allowed it in. But we have been taught a whole other language, a whole other set of rules, we are told that love is only attainable in ridiculous ways but we believe it because it is all we have ever known, our own parents taught us the same.
But if you don’t believe me, all you have to do is listen to yourself, are you really happy and fulfilled? I assume no, and you’re not ‘ill’ there’s nothing wrong with you and you are not ungrateful – these things in our lives are not meant to fulfill us, your own soul is telling you so. It’s even telling the ones that have all of these supposed trophies of love, there is no real love to be found in this material world, it’s inside of you, inside of us all, but we have not been taught how to access it or that it even exists. But it’s why you dream of it, it’s why your heart bleeds when someone is suffering, it’s why you feel heart palpatations when you ignore it, it wants to come out, it’s what makes you YOU, it’s what you’re made of, but we ignore it because we have been taught to not believe it, or that thinking that way is only for people on drugs or mental people, or hippies (I have never taken drugs, i don’t even drink alcohol!)
If by some miracle, someone or something could speak to your soul you wouldn’t even have a choice whether or not to believe it, it would instantly rise up because it is more powerful than you can imagine. You know all this purpose and love that we all talk about and write about and sing songs about and make films about – it’s spoken from our souls, it’s not an illusion, it’s the truth, but we feel that only through art can we express it. We fear that if we ever really let if out it would scare people. Have you ever been so in love that it has scared you? or have you ever been so angry that it has scared you? Or so passionate about something that it has scared you? We have been taught to fear it and ridicule it, so instead we all go home and dream about it in our beds under the covers or we dance to it in the dark at home in private or write ‘fiction’ about it so that we can call ourselves ‘artistic’.
Our souls will not die, they will never fade away, we can get better at ignoring them and live like machines but they are still there and we all still feel them, and they can rise up at any moment, it just takes something to trigger them. That is quite easily done, but then do you follow them, do you act upon it? Probably not for fear of scaring people and being ridiculed. All it takes is someone/something to really bring it out of us and all this bad in the world wont stand a chance. There are far more good people in the world than bad but they are scared. That’s all.
My answer to your question is that I do think that life right now is hopeless if you know all of this, it’s too difficult to live when you know everyday of your life is wrong and not in accordance to your inner spirit and goodness. I find nothing noble about living in this society, I respect myself, others, and the world far too much. And to enjoy any sort of life in this world is to make a choice to live in ignorance of the bad that is causing harm to most of your fellow men, and making a decision to be selfish and carve out some form of safe haven for you own self and immediate loved ones in this hell. I don’t believe that loving only a chosen few and yourself above all others is any kind of love that I am interested in or capable of or have any respect for. I’m sorry.
Yeah I am finding a new perspective on all this too, since splinters post and with what you say here Pink404. It is an extremely risky thing to say out loud that all happiness found in this world is selfish, I wanted to argue against it but really it’s right. To seek and feel any happiness in a world so full of corruption and torture of our own kind is selfish, it’s choosing to ignore it and instead want only to feel happy. If we really were truly good people we would put our own happiness aside and go and actually save lives!
To truly be happy you can only attain that if your conscious is clear, so that’s why any happiness is short lived.
I get it. And it explains why I feel so shit about life. I know I’m not bad person and I’ve been feeing like I’m being punished for something or that there must be something wrong with me, but that’s not the case at all. This makes perfect sense, in fact it’s the only train of thought that I have had that makes perfect sense. Feel like a revelation.
yeah it is. All anyone cares about is their own happiness and finding their own purpose to fulfill their own lives. It makes me sick, even on here, when people who are so pissed off with life make a post that says they wanna kill themselves coz life is so shit and people all tell that person to find some joy in something, to listen to music or take a walk in the park, it’s all selfish bullshit yet try saying that on here, all the ‘good people’ will jump on your ass for it. But how can any intelligent or insightful person see it any other way? fuck your walk in the park and your little bit of comfort or cuddle that you need, it wont help anyway, there are way bigger reasons for your deep sadness that need solving! But no-one wants to have to take action they just want a fucking cuddle. if there is a God he is punishing us all with this unhappiness to wake us the fuck up, but we wont, we just end up blindly sinking further into despair coz we run away and hide from the truth all the time. Hopeless? Yes it is.
Here’s my perspective on how hopeless mankind is;
The world is one big room, inside that room is rape, extortion, pedaphilia, torture and brutal murder. There is also flowers and cute animals etc. Most of the population of the room are involved in the nasty stuff, most are victims, a few are the perpetrators and then you get the few left over from that who are in a privileged position to play with all the cute stuff (if you see that as privileged). Only, how can they really enjoy the cute stuff when right next to them there are these heinous crimes going on? They condition themselves not to see it, they play the TV over the screams of the poor victims and and read books to distract them from it. And every once in a while they will stop and pay attention to it, when they do they fall down with terror . . . guess what happens? The other okay people pull her aside and comfort her, comfort HER! Like she’s the victim and she accepts that comfort! She takes comfort in the comfort!! And the ones giving her that comfort now feel better about themselves because they have done a good deed.
How in Gods name or even in the name of manKIND can anyone seek or expect any comfort in this world? How utterly selfish and disgusting is it to actually WANT your life to be beautiful when you can see the crimes happening to your brothers and sisters and children? And if you can’t find that happiness, the other okay people will try to help you find it. Fuck all the real victims!!!
Yes mankind is hopeless. I am ashamed to be part of it and I am checking out as soon as I can because I will not commit the crime anymore of supporting all this bullshit.
in response to antonUK… yes there are ‘flowers’ and ‘cute animals’… and some flowers are poisonous and a high percentage of cute animals get abandoned, tortured or starve. or killed for their fur. is mankind hopeless.. the answer is YES. read this article.
i stumbled across it whilst trying to interperet a word i didnt understand, and then when i read the article, i realised just how FUCKED UP this world is, cos it explains something that i didnt even no existed.. and certainly not to that extent. thats how messed up we are, we are blind to the realities of life. we dont even realise half of what is going off out there. DO I WANT TO BRING A CHILD INTO THIS KIND OF A WORLD? – Not Really. DO I WANT TO LIVE IN THIS SORT OF ENVIRONMENT – No. x
Most people would agree with you Ljay, yet they all still CHOOSE to live in that very environment and do nothing about it but try to find some of their own happiness. That in itself is as disgusting to me as the ones doing the bad things.
I have read all the responses here, and I am thankful, grateful that I am being opened to more windows of perspectives.
and to truly respect and honor ALL the comments here, I have decided that I will post my culminating & encompassing thoughts, and conclusion to all of this (at least for now), in a new thread.
and it will probably be a bit harsh,…but if there’s anything I’ve appreciated and learned so deeply from this most-honest website I’ve ever encountered in my life, it’s that who said that the TRUTH is all about goody-goody and touchy-feely good positive message? NO. Truth is just simply IS. no good, no bad. just simply Truth.
I have decided that after reading Splinter’s case, although I have so many reasons to feel depressed, and even decided to commit suicide by next week, or next month, feeling hopeless of the state of humanity & mankind,..I’ve decided to HONOR his ‘sacrifices’, his thoughts, and his ideas! instead of ‘viling’ his teachings by just choosing the *easier* way (this I will explain in my next post!).
and then, afterwards, if you’ve still decided to commit a suicide…then it means you’re already very solid on ur utmost decision,..and I will simply respect your decision, whatever the factors or thoughts you have that still make your suicide urge bigger than my next post.
But at least, please leave a reply to my next new post explaining *why* you still want to commit the suicide, so I”ll at least know why, and hence can also HONOR your reasonings,..and probably use it to DO or CREATE something, if all things goes bad, before I’ll die anyway eventually.
thank you everyone.
and Ljay, I have read that link/article, it’s truly a horrible story….it shows how fucked-up a human species can really be. But I do know that I always have an OPTION.
I can right away say “fuck this, I’m leaving this sick & fucked up world” and commit suicide right away, thus ending all my thoughts and ideas, OR I could choose to do *something* at least before I die & leave this earth anyway.
I have also just posted a comment in there as well, especially in reply to the first commenter above, in reaction to the news.
and my reply/post there will be in conjunction with what I’m about to say in my next, all-encompassing final conclusion post/thread.
I am writing it right now, so please wait for another hour or two, as firstly my first language is not in English (I am an Indonesian) thus I have to spend some time to gather my thoughts AND translating ’em into good, readable english language.
I would be very honored, if all of you would give one more time to read what I’m about to say, as the continuation to my spinning thoughts about all these posts regarding Splinter’s case, and all your replies/comments here in this website.
thank you.
Very interesting post Niki.
I guess I am going to have to re- read all the comments and you post again before I make any comment. But most importantly I need to find out about ‘Splinter’s case’.
Then again is it necessary for me to post a comment at all? At what point does my choice to or not to class me as being selfish or otherwise? Is my comment for or against the greater good? Who decides that? By the way what is the “greater good”? I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll ever know.
Your conclusion that ‘Truth’ just is – shows its close resemblance to ‘Death’ which also just is. Along those lines shouldn’t life also not just be? Why is ‘Life’ just not?
@lotuss: this is the original post by Splinter, that surprisingly seems to touch so many people here (including me myself) whom originally just thinking of leaving their last suicide note and go on with their suicide:
and then here’s the latest story of splinter, posted by Pink404 (please read the last comment also by toosugary, actually, just above my *newest* comment there too):
please feel free to post or leave your comment there as well.
it’s all about sharing, and ‘connecting’ each and all of us and our ideas here.
we are all given a choice/option: to GROW/expand our ideas of what we now *know* to be the Truth, of just choose to let ’em go away.
and btw, sure, ‘Death’ is also just is.
but don’t you think (and to be honest, NOW I also just realized as I’m writing this!) that this ‘Life’ is also IS ??
Your Life, your breath, every ounce of your breath,
every feelings of frustrations at the current fucked-up state of mankind,
every good intention, soul of yours, that all have been ‘gifted’ or ‘given’ along with your breath, your OWN Life……isn’t that also IS ? it’s just that perhaps you have been clouded so much by the ‘evil’ in this world that you haven’t known or considered about what ‘Life’ could really be,..if you just give it a CHANCE , and keep preserving…’till the end, ’till you’ve encountered the ‘Death is’ anyway?…
you know,..the more I think, the more the ‘half-full half-empty glass’ analogy sounds true..
I used to discuss about “the meaning of my life” with my intelligent cousin, and he said something that I will probably never forget:
“sure, you can choose to think that “we will eventually die anyway, so why don’t we just DIE right now??” , but you can also CHOOSE to turn it around, and think “since we will eventually die anyway, why not just try to LIVE our damn-only-ONCE life (in this Earth!), and do our BEST to create something, even creating the CHANGE we want to see (Mahatma Gandhi’s quote also), until we will all die *ANYWAY* at the end??”
it surely makes me think hard & ponder….and make still keep living, no matter what, up ’till now.
Regarding this last few comments on here, this thread, I say I agree with what niki say at the last bit (sorry I am tired and my english gets lousy when I am tired) . . about the glass half full/half empty and live life to the fullest if you are going to die anyway. This is something that I am believing to sit well with me also. I also see this is of some sorts in the post os Splinter (which btw niki thanks for that last link as I had not seen the latest update).
But the point is (your point also) is that to do this, is to live your life expecting to lose it at any given moment (as death is inevitable anyway yes?) but we fear that so much, in that respect life is not as important as one would think, as in it is there to be used to the fullest, it has THAT purpose, not just the purpose of one’s selfish self, you know; trying to be personally happy and joyous. When it’s an idiotic thing to do anyway because there IS no joy in just yourself! How absurd! You can really use your life to DO THINGS, big things, great things. And in fact, if you’re not going to do this then you may as well get ill, fall prey to the shit system and die a slow and torturous death, as it is that person who doesn’t actually respect the life that he has been given, NOT the person desperately trying to hold onto his life at all costs. We as humans will never be happy or fulfilled because we are not LIVING, we are all dying at the hands of our destroyers and we’re allowing it to happen. The length of your life is no matter at all! It’s what you have done with that gift that matters. Splinter has done immense work with his life regardless of how many people agree or what the outcome was, he did as much as he possibly could, he lived his life to the full. How many can say that?
In my perspective, a one’s life is one’s chance to live his life. We have choices whether to appreciate this chance or just waste it. Indeed, only some people in this world may sometimes stop their activities, and start looking around just to perceive and feel the surrounding, and thus, they could come up with more ideas about humans’ behavior. For me, humans nature from the past are not too much different compare to now. Indeed, to live in the past was harsher than current condition due to such thing as war. And thanks to ongoing developing system that it could manage to opress the wild side of human’s nature. But still, even if the greatest system is apt to create better laws that it could somehow limit the wild side of humans nature, but still, the innate and true nature of humans are still there within each of us. We desire to go wild, and sometimes to just do what we want, but then we are limited by those systems.
We have our own unconcious competitive desire. The world requires us to be competitive and thus could create a better world. I believe competitiveness plays pivotal role for the great enhancement of technology and science. Only the greatest idea could eventually survive. But competitiveness is always followed by the desire to overpower and excel something. On the other hand, there are also people who could somehow surpress their competitive desire by detaching themselves from such phenomena. Such people disgust those things and choose to remain silent and still. And it often makes them suffer since they will be the one who will continuously be overpowered. They know that they are being intimidated, but they can do nothing to flip the condition. Such people will often be in pain and mental suffering, they will feel hopeless and start to feel that this world is not the place for them. They will create their own escapes and fantasies. They will become the watcher of this never ending competition between humans. In this given chance to live, these people are the kind yet the hopeless one. I have to say that neither those types are good or bad. In fact, there are also people out there filled with competitive desire yet they are kind (depends on the purpose). We cannot keep blaming the situation. We also cannot not blame ourselves. Its just maybe our path is more difficult to walk on compare to that of other types of people. We just have to accept this given chance.
I just think that you guys can keep pondering and pondering over the world and humanity but it all comes down to one simple fact!!
A Person seriousely searching for a way to commit suicide, and I am not talking the kind of suicides where a teenager has lost his first lovey dovey and thinks that the world is going down…no… I am talking about people who have dreadful illnesses with no cure in sight… people in a lot of despair and pain… FOR these PEOPLE the REST OF THIS WORLD cannot provide RELIEF or a CURE…so you all need to stop being so hypocritical and therefore be hypocynical, because to these people their only way out of their misery which none of you guys would take on volunteerly to provide relief, suicide is a mercyful way out and to end their suffering, so NOBODY I mean NOBODY is to judge these people but respect that HUMAN right, of being the SOLE DECIDER of THEIR OWN LIFE…nothing more..nothing less to be said….AMEN!!
good post .. lots of interesting POVs