so today was a long and bad day. started off a good day though. but i was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of weapon in school, possession of another students property (theft), and possession of lighters. this all happend in school. it sucked. i was in the deans office for like 4 hours. im gonna need to go to court, and i was suspended from school for ten days. might even get expelled. but i dont think i will. then i might need to go to rehab. so my life sucks even more now. i got a mugshot and finger printed too. thats the second time i had that happen to me. i hate that police people will try to say anything they can to make you talk. they will even tell you that your best friend threw you under the bus and blamed everything on you. dont believe them. trust your friend. i did and i know she didnt say a thing. i hate the police, they are LIARS!!!!! ugh.. im gonna have soooo much work to make up. but at least i can sleep in for 2 weeks :DD
when bad things happen…
written by itsmytimetogo
I am a month away from qualifying as a lawyer albeit in the uk. Possession of drug related equipment is not an offence in this country. You may or may not accept you were in fact in possession or it could be for an entirely different purpose other than to assist in taking drugs. Like with the knife, you might have had a reasonable excuse in that you had just found it and were just about to take it to the principle or police when you were court. Being in possession of someone elses property is not enough to prove a charge of theft. Handling would be more appropriate. Perhaps you had found the property, did not know who it belonged to but would have returned it if you did.
# caught
Hahaha…two weeks of sleeping in, sweet!
Okay, first of all, let’s look at a few things. Your obviously in school, so one can assume your under 18. The only point here is that you have oodles of time to survive this, and get back on track.
The charges you listed are really minor in the grand scheme of things. You’ll have adults all standing over you trying to make you feel like shit..and tell you what a bad person you are and what bad decisions you made..yada…yada.
Fine! Maybe you did, but that was yesterday. Today is the beginning of the next part of your life. Will you have a criminal record? Maybe, your age will be the factor and I don’t know where you live, but regardless you’ll survive.
Now the cops..that’s another part of this story. Cops are like salesmen, they want to make the sale no matter what. In this case, the sale is to successfully charge someone, so they can file it and move onto the next one.
Yes, they lie, they twist the truth, they make you feel guilty or dirty. That’s the tools they use in order to get you to confess so they can lay their charge and be done with it. Only experience will teach you all the tricks cops use. I especially like the “we care and we’re trying to help you” line. Minutes later, their in the coffee room laughing to their freinds about your tale.
Your story sounds really bad and scary for you right now, but it will be okay. They are gonna want you to jump thru hoops and go to meetings (maybe). Just nod your head and go along until this is behind you.
For the days, weeks, or months this is gonna be hanging over you, relax. In time it will all quietly disappear and you can make better choices in the future. You are not scared for life!
Duke- i live in the US and it says in our student handbook that anything related to drugs is an offence with 10 days of suspention. and all those things were in a locked box in my locker. so it didnt work out too well for me.
titanium- im 16 and i live in illinois. they are like salesmen. they are not trying to help, they just want me to get charged. i havent gotten a court date yet, but i think i might get community service or have to go see psychiatrist. but i dont think ill get anything major. there are people who get so much worse and still come out fine. thanks for the advice though, i really appreciate it. :)))
I don’t know the law in your state.
In the uk you might be tried in the youth court but if convicted likely to recieve some sort of referral order.
Only defence I can think of is that you were given the box to look after by someone as they had lost their locker key and didn’t know what was in it. That is unlikely to work because you didnt raise it when given the opportunity and who would you name as being responsible. Have to take it on the chin I suppose and just explain why it had happened showing remorse. Your school reports and past behaviour is also important. Try and get some of the teachers to give you character references. Those always go down well with the judge.