I can’t share with anyone how I feel. None of my “friends” come from a broken home. I haven’t talked to my mother since Christmas and I can’t trust to tell my grandmother anything in fear of her telling my mom. My dad ignores me all the time and acts like “sorry son I didn’t hear you” and he try’s to cover up how he resents me. Seeing as I was an accident you would think he would have just put me up for adoption as a baby. My brother to. We just found out recently who my brothers real dad was and our mom knew the whole time and if she had been a decent person she would have made him live with his father as a child. And my dad never liked my brother. I asked him why he didn’t when I was little and he got angry. The only time my dad seemed like he cared for me was when I played football and then I quit and it’s back to my lonely. I can’t handle this world anymore. I have no one to share this with but this website in hopes of someone I can talk to. I’m tired of being ignored if anyone heard gunshots from the basement would they check on me?
wow, im sorry, but u can e-mail me if u want..lol.wallace@hotmail.com
Thank you. Sorry I don’t really email though it irritates me Im on here on my phone
People is stupid, period!
I think there’s a reason because everythig happens…
Why did you quit?
Why did I quit football? Because I really don’t like hurting people for no reason. Im about to play my freshmen year (next season). Our coach already talked to me and convinced me somehow. But I’ll probably quit after the seasons over
I am sorry for everything you, and your brother have been through. Your dad is missing out on a great son. None of this is your fault. Lots of people on this site are here for you. If you want someone to talk to you can e-mail me at danielle16yeah at gmail. com take care.
Thank you. I’m sorry I don’t email. I’m on here on my phone
ok ur welcome.
okay ur welcome.