My lack of tenacity to anything and everything applies I guess just as well to my suicidal thoughts. They come and go but they are never enough to make me actually do anything. Its more a coping thing. It has been a few months since I have felt this low and un-like reality, when I ***** about my petty white kid problems you all kind of listen. Which is cool so I can keep my crazy priviate and un-identified. Since I am obviously to ***** to do it I have decided begrudgingly take on reality head on for thirty days. Thirty days just giving it my best shot to be optimistic and productive socially, physically, emotionally and relationship wise. I have failed incredibly on day one. What the fuck is wrong with my head. Do I really lack that much self control? I have no emotional out let but at the same time I try all my resources trying to find someone or something that can explain why the fuck I do the things I do. I honestly don’t get it. I feel that I’m not ignorant or stupid. So why can’t adjust my mood swings and work ethic in all areas of my life? I honestly am insane. If you have read this far congrats you’re either really concerned, stupid or bored. Regardless kudos. I’m really that crazy is the conclusion I keep coming to. So does the government make a pill that will fix me? Probably not. Realistically speaking in my mind thats not very plausible a little pill will fix my problems. So I’ll self medicate the best I can and hopefully learn how to control my self. I have always liked friction, conflict, chaos. Sometimes I feel like I’m not even human. Like I was from somewhere far away and I am trapped with these other living things that just don’t understand my ways. Ok. I’m done ranting. This Zixo signing off for now!
1 comment
1 comment
Perhaps you’re on the autistic spectrum. Although the chaos thing seems a bit out of place, I’m no expert.
I do want to ask something, though, and I have a reason for asking… you said this;
“What the fuck is wrong with my head. Do I really lack that much self control? I have no emotional out let but at the same time I try all my resources trying to find someone or something that can explain why the fuck I do the things I do.”
How does lacking an emotional outlet transition into wondering why you do the things you do? It looks like you draw a direct line between the two subjects, yet logically, they don’t seem to mesh very well. Are you implying that lacking an emotional outlet is causing you to do things that you can’t otherwise explain?
I don’t mean any offense – just some thoughts and an observation. I might be missing something, so no worries if I’m off-base here.