ok so my best friend is 13 and beautiful shes smaler bulit, blonde hair blue eyes and an amazing smile. she was happy most of the time and always was talking about twiight she was all about the cullens and she went to a normal middle school and had friends who cared and loved her, but she didnt see that, she saw her self so much differnt, i know this site is for kids who are thinking wrong and in a bad place, but if u keep that life up you wll be in the same stop that kaitie is in.. gone, dont get me wrong kaitie is now the happyest she will ever be,she is with ther dad who also killed himslef a few years back, sadly she died the same way he did, hung themslf, its so sad to think that a young girl didnt even get tio hight school, her death was a suck to some people kaitie was bullied by alot of kids. and her mom, well was not the best. she sad a younger brother and a sister too and a brother who was the same age, because of her death her brother is now in hight school with out her, and has a real smoking problem. hes been affected by her death like a bunch of other kids have too her mom had a rinking problem befiore now, its worst. and me, well i went to the hospital mulitplye times beacase i gave up, i miss her but relized kids are out there who feel the same why they put on a mask and go thright the day like there ok but they go home and cry, i know i was that kid. and so was katie, about a month after her dr=eath a freind of hers and mine… dies too. 13 same age, we did things together all the time we where known as the 3 besties.. now it was just mean, alone, i made a promose to the whole school body i was gunna fight till them eb=[nd and do everything i can to help as many kids as i can… i want this buling and hurt and deat to STOP!!!!! noone need to feel that everyday. if u need to talk pleas let me know iv been to hell and back! ima really good listen and will do just thast!!!! thank you for taking the tim e to read kaites and alexus’s story there my new life and i will live for them and push foroward!! love you all god blss and rpi my anagels!!~
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