I have missed three psychiatry appointments because I don’t want someone to tell me I’m depressed nor do I want to believe in the existence of depression. (Which is a damn contradiction cause I’m a psych major and I know it does). I don’t want pills. I don’t want to talk about how I feel. The furthest I ever got to getting help was to the door of my psychiatrist’s office. I freaked out and left. I’m doing a half-ass job in everything. My GPA went down wayyy low. Money, my biggest motivator doesn’t even wake me up in the morning for work anymore. Guess this is karma for being an ignorant bastard and once telling someone diagnosed with depression to “suck it up”….
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Maybe it’s a good thing, in my experience therapy/counselling doesn’t work unless you are ready for it.
It’s a waste of time and money, because even if you can get into the front door and actually sit through a session it doesn’t work and turns you off going back to get help for ages.
Just do what you can handle right now.. And when you are ready then you should go back.
Good luck.