Im 60 years old, was married for 25 years, 3 kids, 5 grandkids. Been divorced for 4 years now. Divorce was difficult since kids sided with the mother, but have since come back around. I was somewhat emotional about divorce but more upset about kids. Been dating since and has had its good and bad. 2 years ago I met a lady that rocked my world!!! She is awsum. Problem is I wouldnt commit and I messed up by pushing her away somewhat during a major house buying and renovating project. 2 weeks ago she dumped my sorry ass!!! I am devasted, been crying like a little school girl for days…major depression….hardly sleep or eat… she wouldnt even talk to me…just text. Said she needed to move on and I should too. I cant. I am so in love with her its making me crazy. I am in too much pain…the hurt wont go away. I have begged her to come back, I told her I wanted to change my life so we could be together everyday. Told her I want to grow old with her….she just pushed me away….. I cant take the pain…tomorrow I plan to go to local gun store and make a purchase of a pistol. Weather I go thru this I dont know…but somehow i need this pain to go away and this is the only way. I cant do this anymore. When my parents died one lived til 80 the other only 42…Im right in the middle so I guess its my time. If anyone reads this and figures out you know me…Im sorry…..I love you so much Ro but I cant take the pain of the heartbreak anymore…….
If you are still with us, I share your pain. And I know there is nothing I can say that will change your mind, I know what it feels like to have unbearable pain and just want it to end but trust me when I say it’s not your only option. Whatever situation you are in, however fucked you think your life is, can you really allow yourself to destroy your kids lives? Do you think they will ever understand or ever forgive you?
I don’t know what sort of music you like, but do me one favour and watch the music video to Hold On – Good Charlotte. Those clips in there are footage of real survivors, left behind with a life of pain by those too selfish to give a shit. You can fix this, be the strong man that you know you can feel deep inside you, get on your feet and laugh in the face of death.
I know nothing about you, but I know that if you didn’t believe that there was even an ounce of hope, then you wouldn’t have posted on this website.
There are survivors out there who have been through a shit load more than a divorce and a break up and have a better outlook on life than the both of us put together, what does that tell you? If I have learned anything from my experiences, I know I can confidently say that your pain isn’t permanent, and things can get better if you want them to. Reality is only perception, and perception is subjective. Therefore, you can really create your own reality. Choose one that doesn’t sacrifice the lives of others. Make the right choice, your pain will fade. I promise you this.
guns are a messy way to go
They say most lethal jumpin’ too but dammit I just can’t splatter.
I know what it feels like to really love someone and then text something stupid that makes her not like you anymore. I hope I can make up with my true love before it’s too late. Keep trying with her. If it is meant to be, then she will come around.
Also, guns are for protection of life, not suicides.