Ever since I was fourteen or fifteen, I have had many, many fleeting periods of suicidal thoughts. They come often at times of stress. I will take a walk at night and consider throwing myself under the wheels of the passing truck. I am a rock climber, and I have tied a noose out of climbing rope and put it around my neck five times, just sitting alone. Last year I lived on the eleventh floor of my building, and considered pitching myself through the screen and out the window. I have gotten drunk and pulled a knife across my wrists, imagining what it would feel like. I have been tempted to take all of my Adderall at once. Â I recently found a note I wrote to myself my senior year of high school. I describe the same feeling I have these days, but also that “I am not a suicidal person”. Like I’m trying to convince myself of it. Through my whole life, I have had a wonderful experience. My parents care a ton, I have a good social life, I have a girlfriend of more than a year, I am doing well in college classes, I am working part time, I feel happy most of the time… My life is awesome. I am grateful for all of it. So why am I fixated on suicide? I used to tell people, but I haven’t for a long time because it is embarrassing to appear so pathetic. I don’t self mutilate, do any recreational drugs, and engage in sexual activity responsibly. Â Does anyone else have a great life, and nothing they would want to kill themselves over, but still get huge urges?
Everyone can be suicidal, no matter what they have or don’t have. I find something different here though. I have to ask myself, is Koolwip1 really suicidal or is there a curiosity about death? Maybe your energy wants you to do something else with your life that your brain is telling you to do. What are you studying in college?
I am studying Geology and Spanish, double major. I am sure there is a curiosity in me regarding death, but I am certain it is not a good one- like I said, I have urges when I am stressed, when something happens, like failing a Chemistry test. I have always remained in control, but feel as though bad things are sure to happen if I were to just let go of the reins. Often I will mentally have to “put the brakes on” the thoughts driving me into a bad situation. What makes something different here? I can’t think of anything I would be doing with my life that is not already happening- I am fortunate to have been given the life I have. I wonder sometimes if I need a creative career, because I enjoy making things- I have made all sorts of silver jewelry, rings earrings, necklaces, with only hand tools. I know a jeweler who is just barely making it- and as the saying goes, you shouldn’t shit where you eat. It’s a hobby, not sure if I would enjoy it if I had to do it.
congrats coz i have a BS in Geology
I am glad you responded, I fell asleep but bookmarked your post.
I think a creative career could be what your mind needs to play out possibilities. Maybe even something like a play or screen writer.
Addressing the idea of stress over a grade on a test in school. As you know there is no benefit to kill ones self over a grade in school. The idea of achievement by passing is understandable. But I think what you learn on the path to what ever grade you get is what stays with you through life. In 20 years will you remember your grades from school or the experiences of school? It may take some of the stress off when viewed this way. Go to school, do your best and hold your head high.
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