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I ain’t gonna make I have no friends
I am becoming my own worst enemy once again
Why doesn’t anybody care?
Why won’t nobody help me?
All of this for a stupid prophecy!?
All of my life I have pretended not to know
Everything good thing I had have now become owed
I’m trying to cry, trapped with pain
My god is the only reason I am still the same
I’m sick, no help no doctor a queue
I’m lonely, no friends, no one real in my life to talk too
The things they have done and what I have had to do to get this far
I’m just trying to stay alive man, that ain’t to bizarre
I had a dream last night of how my mother was beat
I know that my daddy molested and played with me and every time I saw my brother, my spirit called his name Billie
I’ve tried to die since I was 13
now that someone purposely have given me syphilis, and AIDS I still find my life worth living
But I go to the store and he called me trash a you punk whose daddy used to beat him and still possibly do crack
I’m not afraid to die that I admit
so go ahead and do it already My sins I regret the ones I have already committed. they eat at me everyday, I hate it, why don’t they just believe in God and they could have just left me out of it. But know all my life I have disgusted people and put them to shame now I just look up waiting on that day. I hope I blow up, they shoot me and I die, poison me again, exploit me some more Its not like I can hide. My only hope is that God will forgive me for not being afraid to die. in his word says one measure of wheat for a penny three for barley, parables of the wheat and the tariff, and the sower and the seed. But all I can think about is not about me. I know it’s all a trap but I got to keep on living. I want to love, but I got to keep my pain because if I don’t I will always feel like I have nothing to gain. I lie to myself and tell myself I am pretty, but the truth is I aint and I certainly don’t want to be skinny. I’m gonna change my weight, my hair, and whatever else of me I have to spare beacause the truth is I have run out of time and I was created for nobody to care.
not to ignore your post but who did the cover of this song?
Wow what and awesome remake of this song.
Sad thoughts though to bound and treasured.
Let Her Go by Jasmine Thompson