just wanted to say goodbye to all you ppl. it was nice while it lasted. lately theres been alot of trolling and impersonating. and before i start hating ppl who are pretending to be other ppl that were nothing but nice to me… im just gonna leave and not come back. its too bad that some ppl have to ruin things like a great chat ive been coming to for years and meeting great ppl in but i suppose it is the internet. but i can see this escalating and its just bullshit that i dont want to deal with right now. so bye – Tim
Hey tokey, Its addison. If you ever want to play league or anything hit me up. I know what you are talking about the trolling, It has been taken to a new level (and I am new). Take care of your self tokey.
I hope I’m not on your shitlist … 🙁
I don’t know what encompasses a troll to you..
hey addy, yeah what was your sn i’ll add you right now before i forget it again, lol.
and take everything i dunno who you are in cc but i dont have a shit list, just quiting to avoid all that and getting to that point where i gotta hate ppl and worry bout who to hate and not…. its just getting really dumb….
ai dracu and A Fancy Turtle