I can’t do this anymore, I really truly can’t. The stress is too much. The pressure is too much. Everyone expects too much from me, when I can barely even get out of bed in the morning anymore. To my family I am just a failure because I can never meet their expectations. To my friends, I am a burden to have around because I suck the life out of anyone who is near me. I ruin everything that I touch beyond repair, and I am nothing more than a pathetic waste of space. I shouldn’t be on this Earth anymore because all I do is cause people an immense amount of pain. I am tired of being a burden to those that are around me. I am tired of feeling sick and tired 24/7. If all I do is hurt everyone around me, and let them down, then why am I still hear? I have no purpose on this Earth. Everyone would be better off with me in the ground once and for all.
1 comment
1 comment
If people don’t like you, then they’re stupid. You deserve love and happiness. Just wait and you’ll get everything you want. You are strong.