Why are we always remembered for our mistakes? It’s like you do one bad thing and it sticks with you forever. I made a huge mistake and I regret it. I’m so scared that everyone is going to find out what it is. It’s bad enough that it made the papers. I don’t want to go to school because I feel like everyone already knows and they are talking about it. Like why can’t they just ignore my stupid mistake and think of the good things I’ve attempted. But wait society doesn’t work that way.
called being human don’t beat yourself up about it
It’s so hard not to though. It’s like I try so hard not to screw up and I end up doing it anyway.
Ik how you feel. I drove out in front of a semi in my new car….I’m constantly bashed for it- I regret it and feel bad for it…..I easily couldve killed the man while trying to take my own life….but I was at the point where I didn’t care……all I did is put me in the hospital and tore my car to a wadded up ball of metal. Not sure how I survived. So Ik how you feel.
You’re society, too. Imagine the tables turned – someone else made the mistake and you saw him/her come to school after you had read about it in the paper. Would you think that mistake is all that person is? Would you avoid that person, or give him/her the benefit of the doubt? Mistakes are in the past – you can’t change them, but you can change how people see you tomorrow.
^ this is so true. awesome advice. often things don’t seem so bad once you look at it from the other persons view.
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Another person was in the paper for the same reason and I defended her because I know what’s she’s going through. I don’t judge.