Last night my boyfriend broke up with me. If you’ve read my last post then you would know how much pain I’m probably in. I know why he left even though he didn’t specifically tell me. It’s because I was simply too depressed. I was too much to handle for him. I don’t blame him for leaving because I would too if I were him. I don’t really see a point in living. I understand that it sounds stupid of me for saying that, but so what? I understand that there are “more fish in the sea” but he was the one with me through everything. He has been by my side even when I was going through the worst types of pain. He stuck around. Why would he leave now? I tried to be better for him. For us, actually… But it wasn’t enough. I’m never enough… I think that this is it guys. I’m not sure if anyone will read my story but thank you to the ones who did. Goodbye world.
Thanks for taking the time to share your story. Sorry that your relationship ended. I don’t envy the amount of hurt you must be feeling right now, but hang on because it will be over eventually. Time heals all wounds, it really does. My last relationship ended over a year ago and it was an absolute mess of an affair that I was glad to see finish, but I still think about her most days. I used to have vivid daydreams but thankfully those are over now. Anyway, I hope you’re not hurting too bad.
I like to say that a relationship ending is a good thing because it means that you weren’t with the right person. Now that the relationship is over, you don’t have to spend time with the wrong person and can continue your search for Mr. Right. Easier said than done though, right? Try and stay as positive as possible until you’re a bit more emotionally stable.
There really are plenty of fish in the sea, and finding a supportive partner that will stick with you through thick and thin is possible, no matter how screwed up you might think you are. You just have to keep trying and not let your relationship failures make you jaded. Let your body and mind feel the misery; cry and sulk till your hearts content, but know that you’ll get over this hump and keep on keeping on down this road.
Don’t give up. Keep throwing that dart until you hit the bullseye. When you think about your ex, remind yourself that while your time with him was great, it wasn’t the relationship that’s perfect for you.
I know the pain you’re put through… because it’s the same reason why I was left by my boyfriend. That night of my life, that night when it happened, it was the worst night of my life and it was supposed to be also the last night of my life… the same reason, I was depressed, plus he was depressed, and he told me that two persons with borderline personality disorder can’t be together…so it was…
The advice I can give you is: mourn the loss and move on. Don’t take your life away, I know it’s hard, but you need to go through this situation. There’s always a little light in the end of the tunnel… I don’t know what can be your light, but just look around, maybe there’s something that may keep you alive…