I’m losing my daughter to her father. Her father who told me he molested her. I tried it to the cops, I’ve even called CPS. but since they can’t prove anything and he is more financially secure than I am he his going to get custody. I lost my job because of all the ccourt dates. My family is leaving state, the only support I have is leaving. I’m a shut in, my neighbors don’t even know I exist. I had a friend but they were killed year before last. I’m going to have no one. I have severe social anxiety couldn’t even call for pizza if I wanted to. I have been struggling with depression for 9 years. I don’t have any where else to turn.
He admitted to you that he abuses her just like that?
Or do you mean that she told you?
If the police won’t listen to you, maybe you can convince her to tell it to someone so they can start an investigation against him and give you the custody then.
I have a pretty crazy social anxiety so i get you.
Your family leaving is going to make things a lot tougher, but maybe you could move closer to them in the future? Maybe after you manage to get your daughter back.
If they haven’t left yet maybe they could do something or help you against him and with getting your kid back.
He told me, she was 6 months at the time… My family didn’t believe me when I told them. He admitted it to them but it’s still considered hear-say because of their proximity to me.
Is there a way you can get proof? Like putting your phone to record and ask him if he really molested her? I know this is really hard for you but whatever you do you need to find a way to get your daughter away from that man. If he takes her then her whole life will be worse than what you are going through right now. He may even go farther than molesting. When your daughter is older she will realize what has been going on and you know what will happen? She will become as depressed as you are or maybe even more depressed.
Never say that you have no one. You may feel like you know no body right now but I know there are many people on the internet going through or already went through what you are going through. I found my best friend on the internet in she lives on the other side of the country! I used to have many friends who I talked to but the one friend who stayed with me is her.
I know you won’t like this but if your family really cared about you and your child than they would have instantly believed what you said about what that man did.