I found this place whilst looking for a website similar to those I’ve read about in books. You know, those shitty YA novels with suicidal teens who find their suicide partners on some website called ‘smooth passages’ or whatever. Do they really exist? This it the closest thing i’ve found.. and I’m not even sure why I’m here.
funny enough i think alot of us came here for the same reason, at least thats what brought me here. Im sure somewhere those websites do exsist but i think ones that help you through suicidal ideation are better. you should stick arround, you never know this place might help you deal with your problems. after all you did sign up, on some level i think you want help more than a partner…
I wouldn’t say I want help. I want a solution, whether that be killing myself or not. Let me stress, I do not want to die. I just don’t think I can stand this much longer.
well with help you can learn to overcome whatever it is thats brought you here. theres nothing wrong with getting help, thats the main reason for this place after all. to help and support people in difficult places
books do help, you know.
escaping life
i feel it
Well, you can’t find partners here (at least, that’s what the rules say). But there is a lot of sadness and depression and stories that’ll cause even the happiest person to weep for hours. So much pain, so much loss. So much anger and neglect.
There is something truly mystical about this place. People roll in and out, on to either successful “treatment” or to death. Or maybe to some awkward in-between place.
Regardless, welcome. I’m sure you will find a reason why you’re here soon enough.
Thank you. I see a lot of posts that aren’t following those rules, is the site really that harshly moderated?
Well not sure what you mean by suicide partner.
No one is going to commit the suicide for you,i mean they don’t call it a suicide for no reason ;D
Thank you. I’m at least glad to see so many like-minded people on here.
So you read the book “My heart and other black holes”? If you did, that book is amazing. That’s pretty much how I found this site. I don’t think they exist. I mean there are similar websites I guess but nothing about suicide partners, as far as I know.
Yeah I read that book. I’ll admit I loved it, except the last part. It’s always the same in those books, they always just get better, they never go through with it.. It’s such a misrepresentation of depression, that you can just ‘fall in love’ and suddenly be cured and not be depressed anymore and not want to die anymore. bullshit. I’m not really trying to find a partner, I guess I was just wondering, you know, just in case.
It was pretty amazing but I kinda didn’t like the love story. I mean it needed more details. The point of the book is that love can change your mind; it can change YOU. It’s saying that it’s strong enough to ‘fix’ the broken. I think it would’ve been cute that they declared their love for each other and want to die together so they actually pull it off. It would’ve been nice but I would’ve cried also…
I’m new here too and I’m here because I have chronic pain that won’t heal (and hasn’t for 20 years). That’s what’s wrong in my life. Obviously, you’ve got something that isn’t working in your life or you wouldn’t be here. What is it?
I’m sorry, that really sucks. To be honest I wishmore than anything that I had a proper reason. Nothing’s wrong with my life, I just can’t cope with anything. I hate being alive. That’s it. I know, it’s stupid.
No idea if they exist.
Know this, you are amongst kindred spirits. We will listen and not judge.
@justanothergirl109 Yeah, I guess, it’d would’ve been cool if they’d both died at the same time, loving each other. that would have been nice.
that “smooth passages” what you typed, came out of that book “my heart and other black holes” right?
it is on one of the first pages.
maybe this website will help you find out what you’re doing here.
and btw, those YA books helped me, escaping from reality.
you should try another genre, maybe it could help.