This is my first post on this website. Today has been horrible all I could think today was suicide or run away somewhere. All I was thinking today was suicide mostly. Never thought of that. I’ve been depressed most my life and I haven’t really opened up to people or anyone I know in particular. Everyone knows me by the happy sunshine girl but no one knows who the real me is. Anyways going to back of what I was thinking about suicide and running away is because my mom told me that she shouldve had an abortion because she didn’t know she would hate me when I grow up. She keeps saying I messed up my dads and hers relationship because they divorced. My brother is the same he said that I ruined everything for him and I ruined the family. I’ve been cutting since the age of 10, but now its becoming worse and worse. Each year I find something to cut with. Then this time I started burning myself, taking sharp rocks and cutting myself, and using boiling water. No one knows this. I really need help seeing a therapist. Can someone help me.
I’m so sorry you feel this way. Did you tell your parents to have a child? Did you ask to be born? No. Your mom can’t accept responsibility for you or for her father, so she turns around and blames you, and that is HER fault – that she is dragging you down into her misery is a crime against you.
I cant imagine being in your shoes. Things must have been terrible.
my best advice i can give you is to not give up, and prove them wrong. Prove them that you can be something and they’ll regret to have ever not wanting you.
Shold you ever need someone to talk to, you can add my kik: anotherlivingirl, im all ears:)
You are beautiful. You are important. The world would be worse off without you. A massive hug xxx