1. Life basically has no inherent meaning and humanity is insignificant in this gargantuan universe.
2. I hate capitalism and technology. Humanity is collectively vying for a superlative goal. This goal constitutes building Artificial Intelligence that will soon render human existence superfluous. Capitalism is a way of evolving collective “God”-consciousness
3. I hate the system and its procrustean laws. Always keeping us domesticated. Of course I can’t fight back alone. I am powerless to run the gauntlet solo. Our behaviour is closely monitored through soul crushing 9 to 5 jobs and mindless entertainment to act as a vehicle for temporary escape and not be able to remember that we’re not free.
4. The system cannot be changed because it has formidably complex mode of operating. It’s designed to make us fail.
5. Evolution wiled onto me an immutable plague right from the get go. It thus follows that I don’t have enough mental stamina to get up to speed as a part of a functioning cog in the engine that is the system. I have Social Anxiety, constatly depressed. Some have mental disabilities that render them useless. The system can dispence with these non-starter/unambitious types.
6. I hate conforming to the system. I learned that not conforming to the standards set by the system can lead one down on a dreary path. This path tappers of into suffering and hence death. So uhmm what is the fucking point?? Why not just kill my self because either choice results in death.
7. I want to see if there is an after life. If it really exists, I’ll ask the beings that inhabit this alternate universe why they decided to turn us into guinea pigs for their amusement.
The fact that there is no meaning and we are each in charge of making up our own destiny in this severely flawed and oppressive system is what keeps me from making much progress in life. Everything we do is for our own edification, and so whenever I think to do anything more than go to work or feed/bathe myself, I just shrug my shoulders. What I do with my life only matters to me and I don’t feel the need to prove anything to myself. I know who I am and what I can do, and so striving to be all that I can be would only serve to prove to other people who I am and what I’m capable of. More power to anyone who cares to prove anything to the world. I’ll live in a vegetative state for now thank you very much.
If I do something at some point, if something happens, great, but I’m not rushing myself. There’s no reward I desire in life.
number 2 reminds me of the movie “transcendence”.. maybe some people have already uploaded themselves to supercomputers and they are using money to control us like slaves.. they are using us to upgrade themselves..
I agree that life has no meaning. Add that with my suffering and the suffering other people must face, I have no choice but to be pro suicidal. People make up gods and myths in order to convince themselves that there is meaning. Sorry but there isn’t. Some people can make up there own meanings and that’s just fine with me. But if I want to go than help/let me go
Life is so pointless, no joy in anything or even imagining a ‘better’ life. Same everyday: wake up, toilet, eat, shower,work,lunch,dinner,whatever,sleep. The same each day. Never changes. Yawwwwn