so….depression….isn t that the worst *****? i feel that i can t and won t do it….it stole everything from me…even myself. i ve been happy, i know the feeling, i miss it like the human misses oxygen. i can t have it back….i had a break down and lost everything.nothing can change the past and we cannot rewrite history. i choose not to live in pain. i tried for a while…some meds, some therapy….nothing worked…i just want and wanted out. this fear of fucking death, the unknown, still keeps me here…i know it won t be for long…i can t bear too much. honestly…life is a gift and is supposed to be enjoyed, but if my brain chemistry won t allow it….well…then i say….fuck it! there s no point in suffering. i might be just a selfish ***** thinking like that….but no one understands this pain i m in and wish it upon no one. oh…and god….really…?what a bad joke….are u a masochist or something?or things just randomly go wrong?or bad karma?fuck knows…i thought i was a good person….well….what IF on the other side all is well and functional and there s no brain chemistry that s fucked up and happiness is the normal state of mind. i don t know at this point….i just want the pain to be gone, not even numb it,just to be gone…that means i have to go…so that s that. i choose not to live under constant pain, not to struggle all the time, no to battle a disease that has taken everything from me…call me a coward, a looser, a whatever….i ve had some fun but now it s all over…i might have wanted too much …pushed too hard…but i know now it s too late….fuck you depression!
You’re not selfish. Anyone who would call you those things doesn’t realise what you’re going through.
It’s probably brain chemistry that’s caused you to feel this way, but it’s possible to change. I know you’ve tried, but there are so many methods to cure depression – often for good. Some are better known than others, some are new, some are thousands of years old, some are mainstream, some are alternative, some are becoming mainstream. I understand if you don’t want to suffer any longer – I wouldn’t wish this kind of depression on someone for even a day. I hope something comes along to lift it, or you give another form of help a try.
thanks Trix, you re nice…it s just that enough is enough. there s so much a person can take, if u know what i mean…
I know what you mean. I hope you stay here long enough for something to change, but whatever happens, I’m just sorry you feel so bad. Sending hugs your way. 🙂
Hey Alexia. Can you email me at
i did….what s the purpose?
Can I email you Alexia? – let’s talk if you want
just emailed u at the sweet.perfume address.
I totally TOTALLY understand how you’re feeling… Is funny cuz I’ve been having their exact same thoughts for the past years and even when I did my attempt. It fucking sucks to not be able to do anything, currently in therapy. I stopped taking my meds because I didn’t find any change and it didn’t make me stop thinking about killing myself. It’s amazing how people who’ve never met before can go through the same things.
I hope you’re able to find your happiness soon!
yeah…i guess a lot of ppl who go through depression can relate…like really relate…i ve seem to have learned that.and thanks ,alex. hope things work out for u too.
I’m with ya!!! I’m so done, I keep failing and I’m sick of it. Suicidal thoughts have been the norm for me for like 8 years. I quit. I wish you luck on your path.
thanks!that s no life to have;) sorry if i m being too harsh.