A new development has arisen, not only do I feel like the world has abandoned me but it seems my few friends I have left have too. None have spoken to me since I was kicked out of school, the sister I spoke of previously was recently kicked out because she didn’t want to do the work involved for year 12. The school however gave her more help then they ever offered me, I was shoved to the side and told to leave however they gave her 2 months to catch up, they gave her a tutor and said she only had to do 2 of the 13 assignments she owed. She didn’t even try, I ended up doing one of them for her but no she only had to do one essay on how the elderly is treated in the eyes of the citizens and government. She later complained that no one helped her and the school just wanted her out, if I try to talk to her she screams at me and tells me she wished her brother never helped me get away from my mother. On that topic I took some advice and tried to talk to mother, she not only rescheduled 5 times, she later texted me telling me that I meant nothing to her and she was glad I’m gone and that her life is so much better with out me. I mean I try to stay strong for the 2 friends I have left but I don’t know what to do anymore, my friends have abandoned me, my mother literally said she hated me and I’m still being treated as a doll that has lost all its attention, not to mention that my meds are failing me and I’ve slept all of 4 hours in the past 2 weeks. I seem to enjoy solitude more and more now, I was once scared of being alone but now I dont want anyone to come near me for fear of getting hurt again, I know its just life but I cant help but wonder where all the decent people are hiding and why they don’t come out, this world could do with more good.
I just wanted to let you know I read your post and will be thinking of you today.
i’ll be your friend, i know what your going through and I hope the best for you <3
that must be really hard for you. I feel your pain and thinking of you
You don’t know how much i understand what you wrote. I really wish you wouldn’t have to feel what you describe, and… hey, you’re not to blame for other people’s lazy attitude. Not all people are like that but it’s sure hard to go through a million people to find a couple of good ones. No idea if it helps at all but count me in the “i’ll think about you today” club.