as anyone ever had there earphones go out to where they can only hear out of one side? omg mine have done so, and I beyond highly annoyed at there hour. I mean I live in the UK for blokes sake, am I suppose to run down to my local Wal mart and pick up a new pair:? I spent 30 pounds on these…I am so not happy right now.
I had to convert 30 Pounds to US dollars and holy crap those are some expensive earphones.
This has happened to me many times actually and it almost drove me insane once.
Oh goodie, goodie, finally I am not the only one that understands or recognizes the annoyance that is earbuds. Not to mention that expense! Dear lord almighty, I honestly thought these would be better, I am going back to my cheap ass earphones of yesteryear.
That’s why you get headphones with detachable cables (yeah, they make earbuds like that too), which even if they are more expensive than regular ones, won’t die completely when the cable dies. It is highly annoying tho… once i sort of had a breakup due to my obsession of fixing a couple of headphones with a soldering iron at 2am in the morning… since then? yeah, detachable cables (with some spare cables) or at least more than one set of headphones.
Yeah get ones with detachable cables, I’m sick of earphones only working on one site. Zzzz
Thinking i don’t see many ones with detachable cables that are cheap, i just try to have more than one (cheap) pair. But there’s the whole interwebz to look for these too…
i also like the ones with the zip up cable, although i guess its back to square one, they may stop working on one side too..but they don’t get tangled up like the others.
How’s long have u had them if u have the recite take them back u should be able to get ur money back or a new pair
I have only had these for a couple of weeks now but I don’t have to slip nor the packaging they came in. I popped off to the shop this morning and bought a new pair, we shall see how these hold up.
I tried to find the ones with the detachable cable, I can honestly say that I have never seen nor heard of those. But then again, I don’t go out much unless it’s to my garden to tend my plants. I didn’t find any at the shop and the shop girl said they didn’t have any and I asked if she knew of another shop that might carry them. She didn’t. So I am going to look on the net and see what I can find. I would love to order a pair. I can’t seem to have enough of these things. I must be hard on them or some such nonesense.