Im so tired of all of this. Im blessed that i have a roof over my head. Im just tired of struggling in every capacity of my life. I dont have a method or else id be dead. I’m doing my best but genuinely what i really want is deaths sweet embrace. The permanent insignificance that ive lived my entire life is so all encompassing. Even here i feel alone. I feel alone everywhere. I dont belong. I felt belonging for such a short time so long ago i dont even know if it happened…. I’d give anything for a time machine or a shotgun and a long drop. I’m tired of wasting you all’s time my breath any resource that i take for granted. I serve no purpose to continue my existence. Im starting to workout 2 a days while im jobless to lose as much weight as possible. I cant help but to wonder how different entire life would/could’ve been if i wasnt so fat and unconfident. I also cant help but to want to have a heart attack. My confidence comes and goes and when its gone my purpose its gone. My reason for being is gone. I’m sorry for another meaningless post. I’m just a man who is here due to being an incompetent suicide attempt artist.
Despair(A reboot of every other post I’ve done)
written by deadmanliving(hopefullyhopeful)
Bro, get rid of that stuff (that user name). Get out there n kill it.
I used to be obese (i was for a big chunk of my life) and it can be fixed. You have to bust your ass off, sure, but it can be fixed. And hey, maybe you wouldn’t feel so alone if you actually replied to your post’s comments… lol.
Lol i try to. After a day or so I assume that all the would be commenters have commented. Its the last 40 to 50 lbs that are the hardest to lose.
@preliminarynovemberrain The username stays for a while at least until i can make them untrue. And get out where and kill what? Lol
Hah, sorry about that, it’s just that the other day i almost wrote a full review of bvs in your thread hahaha. In any case yup, the last part of the extra weight is the hardest to lose. Best approach i could offer is doing it slowly, yet methodically. It took me like 2 years to miss the last few pounds when i lost weight, yet the first chunk (which was like 40kg, no idea how much that is in lbs) i lost in 6 months.
The important part tho? it can be done, really. Pretty sure you’ll pull it off.
Sorry about not replying lol I guess i was so dumb struck by all the reviews I didn’t know what to say part of me wants to genuinely see it again. It’s much more a missed opportunity than an outright bad movie.
As far as the name i *may* change it depending on my feelings for the day. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be any more positive per se. Its just how I feel at the moment. The main point of this site is that you don’t have to lie about how you feel. So why lie I feel stupid fat and lonely at this very moment i know (read hope) that it’ll pass but right now i feel how i feel.
The reviews were abysmal. I went in knowing what the reviews were and i still think they blow it out of proportion, i mean… yeah, you said it perfectly: missed opportunity. All the elements were there, but they were badly arranged. I will see it again next week (when they reduce the 3d price, want to see the action scenes on 3d), but… yeah, i don’t know what people were expecting, because it’s clearly not the abomination people are saying it is. I saw it with a marvel fan that doesn’t give a f*ck about dc (my stepsister), and even she agreed that it wasn’t a bad movie.
You’re seeing it in 3d???? I hate you.
I don’t understand all this fanboying/fangirling anyway. Good your stepsister had an open mind. I remember when just liking anything made comic/superhero related made you a nerd and a target for ridicule. Now these are cults based upon billion dollar corporations and which billion dollar characters you like. And marvel mysteriously gets a pass. Age of ultron was waaaay worse. Don’t get me wrong i love The winter soldier, the original avengers, iron man 1, antman. A lot of their movies have been only slightly better than transformers movies. And i outright hated guardians of the galaxy. I really hope both sides do well. Im really hoping civil war is good and addresses the fact that tony stark was the actual villian of the last avengers movie in some capacity.
@hds: Not sure about it (it depends if i get some money this week) but i’m definitely seeing it in 3d if i can.
And yup, that’s mostly what i got out of the reviews, everyone is sort of expecting the same marvel approach as in fun, colorful, one-liner filled movie. I agree that it’s a good approach but… heck, it gets tiresome. I found age of ultron worse in some things, and better on others (it did have better editing), but the marvel formula is sort of boring me at this point. I must be the only human being alive that didn’t particularly like winter soldier (not much of a captain america fan… and sort of found the movie boring, it was a lot better than the first avenger tho). Haven’t seen antman nor guardians because of the same thing, i don’t want to end up hating those movies, lol.
Where i live you still get sort of ridiculed (not that much tho) for liking videogames and comic book movies and stuff, but i just don’t care, hah. As for tony stark… i do wonder if they’ll have the balls to make him look like a villain, because in the comics… well, he kinda sort of is a villain, lol.
Yeah hes an actual member of the illuminati and has caused or been complicit in some of the most atrocious acts in marvel. Yeah i agree on editing BvS was horrifically edited. It borders on sloppy. Also the trailers showed way too much. I think in 10 years it’ll be better recieved just because a generation will get to see it with out the trailers and come in blind. How much better would that movie have been if so many of the well done scenes not been given away and if not only Doomsday was a secret but wonder woman as well. Why not credit Gal Gadot as an undisclosed role before the movie is released show no promo material of her in costume and wait to promote her movie until civil war is about to be released. Age of Ultron just told such a basic story its just a movie where movie stuff happened like it caused little to no emotion the whole movie. Also Ultron seems like he shouldn’t be dead and should have been even more powerful. He can go in the internet for christ sakes. I just want something in these movies to feel like they matter. I like cap. I connect with a guy feeling like hes in the wrong time. I felt the winter soldier was a exciting superhero take on the poitical thriller genre. Like if tom clancy wrote comic books. Where are you from?
Omg deadnan…that name! Really you have so much to offer. Although I do understand the feeling.
But you are right in the previous comment. This site is above all about honesty. I respect your need to have a screen name that appropriately reflects how you are feeling.