Today I looked back at the times when I was moments away from killing myself and I remember there was something telling me not to, that pesky survival instinct or “will to live” all humans have. I was thinking about my attempt planned for this summer and I asked myself why I set such an arbitrary time frame. That’s when I realized it wasn’t arbitrary, it was so I could use a shotgun that I don’t have access to until then. Which brought into question why I didn’t plan my attempt around the hundreds of other ways I could kill myself before that. Survival instinct has nothing to do with why I couldn’t kill myself in the past and why I’m waiting until summer to kill myself, the real reason is that I’m afraid to live. I could drive 15 minutes to a city that I live close to that has a bridge which is presumably high enough to jump off of and die, but it’s the “presumably” part that keeps me from hopping in my car and going there. I can’t accurately predict whether or not that fall will kill me and I don’t want to take the chance that I’ll surface from the water and still be alive. I’m still on the fence about the shotgun too but statistically speaking it has one of the highest mortality rates, leaving room for error, don’t quote me on this but it has something like a 95% chance of producing my desired results when aimed through the mouth and towards the rear of the brain. Like I said it’s the 5% percent chance I’ll still be alive that scares me, not the 95% chance that I’ll die. So I actually find it funny how I’ve lost the will to live yet I can’t bring myself to try anything that won’t kill me.
It’s our survival instinct it sucks unless your really determined
I’m saying it’s not the survival instinct, I welcome death, I’m afraid to live and the survival instinct is to be afraid of dying which is why I put in quotations “the will to live.” I don’t have the will to live, I have something completely opposite and it’s so intense I don’t want to risk surviving which makes it akin to the survival instinct.
Oh I must of missed read something wile reading your post
I thought that’s what happened so I tried to summarize it for you, it happens don’t worry about it pal 🙂
U planning on leaving in summer did I read correctly ?
Yeah that’s the plan at least
Shotgun is my plan too, I thought the left temple was the best place to aim though, I have to do more research. I thought about adding extra stuff as well to make sure, like take some blood thinners to make sure I would bleed out after a period of time if the shotgun wasn’t 100 percent.
My own research would suggest that shooting either temple is about the third most effective place to shoot, the method I chose would be second, and back of the skull at about eye level would be the first but unless you’re creative you would need a second person for that. Here is a link to the website I used as a basis for my research