I have dealt with depression for so many years now, going on 5+. I’m only 18 years old. I’ve recently come upon the realization that happiness is entirely an illusion. It’s a false experience that comes from a chemical reaction within us, and this same reaction can be recreated with certain recreational drug use. therefore happiness is actually bullshit, and why should I care about continuing on in this life? Every friend I make, I end up pushing away. Every girl I meet, I end up pushing away. I’m so fucked up at this point I don’t even know if I know who I am at this point. If happiness is an illusion, then what the fuck am I supposed to be staying alive for? What ‘gets better’?
Happiness is real you will have it one day
It really isn’t though.
Sadness is an illusion too, everything is in your head. I feel the same, im 18 going on 9 with about half a decade of depression
If it is all in our heads, then nothing is actually real, our existence here is truly pointless, and our outcome in life is irrelevant.
You’ve thought yourself into a corner, Tart. There are things you can;t see now because you’re in the heart of the storm. The suns out there, but you’ll have make it through the thunder and lightning if you want to see the sky clear.
Thats, true, everyone will be dead in 100 years. But you that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the ride. My honest suggestion is stop worrying about the final outcome and do whatever you please