For the past few months I have read the posts and posted myself on this site.  Every day is the same for me.  I think suicidally but then I’ve made it 40 years and have family thats suffering around me and I want to help but the suicidal thoughts persist.  But than after a few months I get lucky and score myself a 20 bag of weed.  I smoke a little and suddenly everything changes.  I feel even deeper sadness for those that I love that are suffering but I feel like I can deal with the loneliness of not ever really having a partner, of not having had a date in 10 years of not  having a job or money, of feeling like a loser.  A lot of those types of things fade into the background of my mind.  I feel a survival mode kick in.  I realize that wow I’m alive, what a miracle and I enjoy my little high.  Of course in a few days I will be back to broke and weedless but I know that the possibility is out there that some day I might strike green again, so until then I’m going to continue to read everyones posts and continue to tell all the teens (and everyone else) I see writing on this to hang in there.  There are a lot of us suffering but we can help each other through these words. Oh and get out and vote to de-criminalize the best medicine big ****** doesnt want you to have.
I wholeheartedly believe that doing drugs (and for cannabis i use that term VERY loosely…) is better than being dead.
People might get upset when perceiving support for advocating drug use…
But you know what?
And weed really doesn’t hurt anyone, if you’re responsible about it.
So there.
Weed should be legal, and depressed (especially suicidal) people should enjoy it, and feel better.
It’s mindblowing and infuriating that this wonderful plant is still criminalized.
Thank you for your reply and yes being high feels good, when used responsibly, not in combination with other drugs. I wish Obama had the guts to tell the truth about like he supported the lgtb (sorry, got it wrong im sure) community.