My daughter’s father before he committed suicide.I was three months pregnant. This was while we were still happy.
This is Annabelle, our daughter. She was born 3 months after her father committed suicide. She […]
My daughter’s father before he committed suicide.I was three months pregnant. This was while we were still happy.
This is Annabelle, our daughter. She was born 3 months after her father committed suicide. She […]
All the time I see these extravagant programs for Veterans with PTSD, or any other ailment they might have…
What about regular people…there are more non-militants in America that suffer from mental illnesses. About 1 in 3 to 1 in 4 adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder or disease in a given year. This amounts to about 70-80 million people out there alone and helpless. According to records, about 8% of American citizens will develop PTSD sometime during their lives. In 2005, 1.77 million American males committed suicide. 450,000 American females committed suicide.
There is little to no help for people in this situation, and I […]
Hello, I am Scott Hildreth, the Author of Broken People. At the age of thirteen, my uncle committed suicide. I hated him for it. At the age of twenty one, my girlfriend committed suicide. I spent a lifetime carrying a poem that she left me in my wallet. Additionally, I carried guilt. Crushing guilt. I felt awful, guilty, and no longer trusted people.
A few years ago, a close friend committed suicide. Then, I decided it was my turn.
I didn’t succeed.
This year, I met a girl who needed help. A suicidal bulimic teen.
I wrote a very uplifting and deep book that has touched the hearts of […]
You know, until my mom committed suicide in ’81.
See- prom is coming up. Every year I go to prom with my friends and I have a great time. I don’t think this year will be fun. I’ve got a stressed head thinking about my final grades, college programming, summer job possibilities, dealing with family (cancer patients, old with broken bones, trying to live my life for me), and the person I love and whether or not we are going to get back together. If this were a movie, then I would exit prom drunk and happy with my friends and when he tried to take me back, I would either throw up on […]
Dear Reader,
My Grandpa committed suicide when he was 75 years old. He took his life in 2005, and my Dad found him. My Father. found. him! I, a 15 year old, watched as my Dad crumbled into a million pieces, literally broke down. A 6’3″ italian goomba fell to his knees in pain over the loss of his own father. My grandma was frozen in shock, numb to the fact her husband (going on 50 years) was no longer coming home after work, or bringing her white daisy’s on Sundays, or laughing to get her to smile. He was gone. Forever.
My grandpa had three beautiful […]
I honestly don’t know how much more of this I can take.
Nobody wants me around anymore, or maybe they never wanted me around in the first place…
I fuck everything up.
Life is so painful.
Everyday is just so stressful and it’s just not worth it anymore.
I want to die so bad, but I fear that I will be missing out on something good that might happen later in life.
No one loves me.
They all just pretend to care and I’m really sick of it.
I wanted to grow up and help others with mental illnesses and those who are suicidal get […]
Hello there,
I’m not really sure how this is done so I suppose I’ll just go ahead and start off. (I apologize if it’s hard to follow.)
Uhm, well, I was actually raised relatively well, all things considered. Both parents were present, working, and in healthy condition. I was also the only child within the household.
Life was pretty privileged, normal, but rather quiet, as everyone mainly kept to themselves in the household. There weren’t any major conflicts or fights, and alot of my time, along with my father, was spent on the Computer, whether it ranged from activities such as educational programs or games or whatever I used […]
rope, beam, stool, sits in a cardboard box, so a friend committed suicide by hanging, wife found him strangled on a beam located in master bedroom, been thinking about doing similar thing except its just me in the garage, my dad died when i was young, thats when i learned the true meaning of death, meaning your not coming back. told friends “hey i want to kill myself” in junior high, and high school, they looked at me weird yet it didn’t hit me as weird to do so. even my teachers noticed in my writing while doing essays in class. then i realized maybe […]
I recently watched a film called The Sound of Insects. The film really resonated with me because of the story it told. This guy was fed up with life, and he knew no body was going to come looking for him, so he disappeared into the woods and committed suicide by starvation. It took an enormous amount of will and the guy has to endure a lot of pain. He just sat there under a plastic sheet with a radio, a few books, and bed made of forest floor. I totally and completely felt for the guy, because I was the guy, to some extent […]
My son committed suicide after a long time of unbearable mental and emotional anguish. Suicide seemed like a great relief in his mind. A few weeks after he died, we found out that the doctor had been giving him the wrong medicine for all that time and the medicine is known to cause extreme torment of the kind he was feeling. If he had only had his medicine changed, he would have been fine and happy and smiling. His brother had his medicine changed, and now he is happy, though I myself am a resident living in a hospital because of what my son’s death […]
My name is Luke, and I want to share my suicide experience with you, for any chance of reading and really making you think about the decisions you are about to make.
Before I begin, remember that I do not know you, and it is your choice and yours only to take your life. It is a natural feeling to feel like this, and don’t let people tell you otherwise…they’re either in a shock state or they’ve missed a dose of their anxiety pills.
Anyways, now to start…
I had just started senior year, I was 17, had the girl of my dreams, was playing in a band, […]
Ifind it ironic how sad it is to hear when someone kills themself, yet you want to do the same.
I’m 17 years old, I suffer from BDD(body dysmorphic disorder), social anxiety, depression, and I’m pretty sure I have unstable emotions. My father committed suicide when I was 3 years old and from then my mother raised me and my two older sisters while she abused depression pills, she would always go out to drink and come home drunk and mean, whenever a guy would come into her life she forgot she had children. I was too young to realize all that was happening around me.I’ve been bullied since I was in 4th grade, I only had one friend until we entered middle school and […]
I am divorced. I am a mother of six. My fiance committed suicide in July. I have had numerous surgeries this year that have left me unable to work yet. I am in yet another one of my major depressive episodes that has exhausted me. I have tried having my medications readjusted and mixed around to no avail. I am just so sick of having to battle depression! I have been in an uphill battle with this terrible illness for over 25 years! I have had enough. I am tired. I cannot endure more of […]
To think I almost committed suicide last Tuesday. My plan was to hang myself in the school bathroom. Well I attempted to. Left with marks on my neck. I realized what I had going for me. I have a life and an amazing boyfriend and a family who loves me truly. I couldn’t ask for anything better. The reason why I almost committed suicide was because I was being bullied at school by two of my classmates. They both spread rumors and make mean side comments to me. One treats me like I’m nothing to her. I have some friends here a PC. I have […]
My dad committed suicide. He hung himself. These are awful words to say and I can never, ever get the image out of my head, my dad had cancer, awful cancer, he had a reason. There is no other reason to do this to your family or yourself. I miss him with every second that passes. Damn it, I want my dad back…now, I want to call him. No matter what you are or what you are going through, someone wants to talk to you. Don’t do this to someone. I loved my dad, I still do. No moment passes that I don’t love him. […]
It all started at the beginning to high school, 9th grade.
I fit in perfectly, I made new friends everyday, hung out, went to parties, dated. Normal stuff that people would expect a normal teenager girl to do. But…I wasn’t exactly happy. Sure during the moment of all those parties and drinks and even experimenting with weed a few times (nothing I’m proud of anymore) I was happy. But after that adrenaline rush went away, and I sat in my bed looking up at my bedroom ceiling, I knew I wasn’t happy.
I guess I could say it started when I met Joe. He wasn’t someone that went to my […]
The author’s son, Michael, took his own life in 1969 at the age of 26, after a nearly decade-long struggle with some vaguely defined mental illness. Some of his psychiatrists (referred to not by name but by the appellation “Dr. First” “Dr. Second” “Dr. Third” etc. — there were eight), called it schizophrenia. It looks more like schizoaffective disorder or bipolar to me, but who knows. The point is, in spite of various […]
I’m actually feeling really well today. I mean sure some douchebags upset me with a comment they made about suicidal people (basically that anyone who commits suicide doesn’t deserve to be loved after they’re gone), but too many good things have happened today for it to ruin my day. So today was National Suicide awareness day and I honestly thought the only people who would care and do something about it were my friends and I (and maybe one or two others), but when I got to school, the first thing I saw was a bunch of popular girls and guys with the word love […]
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