I need to talk. I need to connect. This site confuses me. My family confuses me. My ex-husband confuses me. Life confuses me. Animals, spatial questions and geologic strata do not confuse me. But it would have been nice to have human connection instead of just the illusion of it.
There is a speech-bubble note 1 above and the content is “Cheatin’ uh? Sorry, you are not allowed to access this site”??? I am not a cheater. What is this? Another fucking mindfuck? I’m not such a bad person. I don’t deserve this. More importantly, I don’t understand this.
Alone on Saturday night as I have been […]
I’m actually out on vacation as I type this. The last time I was on vacation was around this time a year ago. I was on vacation then because I needed to get away from everything as my ex dumped me and I didn’t handle it well at all. We were together for over 5 years and even to this day it still hurts. It’s been over a year since she left and I was crying over her yesterday. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder months before the break up so to blame her for that would be wrong. I found out last October […]
Ugh..where to start lol obviously the biggining I was raised by my grandma until age13 when I moved in with my mom for first time it was strange I had grown up with no power or running water on a farm an town life was totally new to me I quickly took up smoking pot for a few years but by age 15 I had […]
My boyfriend who “loves me” is messaging his ex, saying they are close friends or whatever . Well I don’t like it, it’s not that I don’t trust him, it’s about respect and if theirs no respect in a relationship then theirs no relationship.
It’s not the fact that he can text her a storm and rarely message me throughout the day no, but for him to get upset about my feelings?
He wouldn’t like it of I were to be messaging my Ex, no, no, no he wouldn’t. You know what else he wouldn’t like if my Ex messaged me saying […]
I miss the first time we kissed. November 4, 2009. I smiled the whole way home. I tried to stop, but I couldn’t. I was so happy. I miss the first time you wrap your arms around me, kissed my cheek. I miss the first time you called me babe. I miss the beginning, when we didn’t want to say I love you, so we said i <3 u. I miss the first time you said you loved me. I miss the feeling of being loved, I was so blown away at the fact that someone could actually like me, none the less love me. […]
ive been trying to avoid my x for weeks.. cause i want to forget.. that i eever cared..
tonight i was talking his friend..
he was there.. so all my avoiding him has gone to waste.. now ive been on skype with him for about 4 hours and i know you’ll all say this is my fault.. and well i know it is.. I let him get ot me again. I wanna die. I hate this. I was planning my death tonight to. I gave my faimaly a chance to have fun with me for new years, and i gave them one last christmas […]
They were siting on my friend audry and me and im the one in the black jacked with stripes shes the one crying xD
I went out of my house for a change, to hang out with some of my old friends. I rarely do this now since i tend to lock myself in my room, when im not inclined to go to school.
I hung out with 15 of my friends and we watched “end of the world movies” since that was the theme of the party. I was cuddling with my gay […]
So me and my ex just had this HUGE fucking fight about cutting. (It was a big fight considering I had an anxiety attack) He’s never cut and he didn’t know I did. I felt like it was time to tell him so I did. He flipped shit on me and told me he would kill himself (which he won’t). He said he loves me and wants to be with me. I am the same but I told him I wasn’t going through his shit again. I told him also that if he wanted to be with me again he had to earn a hall of a lot of […]
I was one of those people that were always like killing yourself is stupid. I realize now that was because I had it pretty close to I prefect life. But I worked hard to do that too. I had all As and great friend. And I was so pretty. In my freshman year of high my mom told me we were moving. I didn’t want too. But would any teenager want to move 1,000 miles away from their life, friends, everything. I throw I fit but I knew I was making it harder on myself so I told her I would be good and go. […]