animals think ” when i grow i become like human”
humans become animal when they grow up without consciousness
animals think ” when i grow i become like human”
humans become animal when they grow up without consciousness
If animals are doing that I can understand because they may be anware that they will die
but what happened to humans, the most intelligent species on earth, aren’t they aware they die?
—-it means man is wolf to man
Just look back our past- world war 1, world war 2, lots of people and their shitty things
I hate humans and I feel pity on me because I born on this planet.
I should have born in very early stages of human race, the game would have changed.
If I suicide, it is only because I don’t like the way human race evolved and the direction it is heading.
2 months lost Inside a few small rooms, surrounded by rabid humans claiming they were helping me. Bastards, it was hell, but i’m finally free. Last thing i remember doing before was networking with you fine folk 🙂
….. But it’s been a while so i imagine everyone i spoke to on here is dead now 🙁
Still, How you guys doing ?????????
108 – 23- 815
I have never felt sad about a suicide. By the time I graduated high school, two of my best friends had killed themselves and even at that young age I never felt sad. Confused, yes. But in my heart I knew that suicide marks the end of a problem, and so… much like divorce in the case of an abusive marriage, it’s a good thing even though humans instinctively say “how awful”.
Humans at large cannot perceive the problem, so all they see is the solution which they don’t agree with. If you didn’t know that a woman was being mugged, and all you saw was […]
There was inter star meet.
Where organizer auctioning different planets
For some reason, I brought planet earth hoping it will be profitable
When I see into it, it is full of species called humans
Only 20% of those species are really useful for me
I separated brain out of those 20% humans and threw remaining part(body) of the humans and also I threw away that useless planet
Now I realized these preserved brains are useless because those brains are so screwed up with concepts like god, billion year old concepts of physics, crap philosophy and full of self-convincing power.
To solve a problem which I can in a day, they took 10 […]
lot of other monkeys got attracted to it, and they also started to jump into the race
new monkeys are born to racing monkeys and they also started following parents
after some time, first group of monkeys died, remaining monkeys keep running in the race
after a long time a new monkey started asking why should a monkey’s  life wasted in the race like this?
no one has the answer.
Same way as humans don’t have answer for why they live
IF all humans on planet earth want suicide? does that mean all human race is most intelligent species?
if not humans who is intelligent on earth?
if you spending your 60 years just to watch yourself dying, isn’t it illogical?
aren’t we unfortunate because we will be missing all technologies and lifestyle that come after 1000 years?
1. a guy sentenced to spent eternity pushing a rock up a mountain. only to have it roll back down to bottom
2. that guy had no meaning
3. Humans who don’t believe in god, heaven, hell all they have is struggle because in the end they are condemned to lose.
Humans who believe in god are cowards and foolish.
Humans who don’t believe in god are deadly dumb to live because human life is like Sisyphus.
the earth feels as though it composed of 9 billion humans, and then theres me, i fit in more with the animals, unfit here wild and chased away
Do you really think we need to live with other human beings?
My experience proved 90% of our problems wipe out if we stay alone and out of the society. Only thing we need to deal with is boredom.
Most of the things that humans do is foolish. No one really has profound reason for what they trying to achieve with life.
If a person struggling to become president of USA or Entrepreneur trying to create empire worth billions of money and has huge impact on human race  these kind of thing may worth all the struggle a humans undergo.
If you ask these 90% of people- they really don’t know […]
Why i feel pity on people who cry before they die?
suicidal people are the only kind of humans who laughs before die.
initial days: people used to build pyramids & architectures. lots of human lives is invested on it and currently no one give a shit about their efforts.
beneficiary: kings and leaders ( less than 10% of ppl)
losers: avg humans who follow others ( >90%)
in 18th century lots of human lives are sacrificed in wars
beneficiary: leaders and aristocrat(10%)
loosers: people who follow (90%)
Now lot of human lives are investing on building organizations and technical products
beneficiery: owners and rich(20%)
loosers: who follow others (80%)
Irony is follower/avg humans don’t know that they are wasting a yet another human life. they are bussy building others organization same ways acestors-they are busy in […]
I hate life, I hate people / humans, I hate reality, I hate this world.
its very boring, and especially nowadays become only very materialistic, money / profits driven only, all about money, superficial, shallow, and mundane boring!
Why movies, video games, comics, books, novels, anime/manga, creative Art, basically human’s IMAGINATION & fantasy is often/always a hundred times FAR much more interesting & better than this sad, mundane, boring, superficial, & very LIMITING life / world / reality ??…
does God (if there is indeed one…!) play such a cruel sick joke for especially creating human’s IMAGINATION inside our heads?? .. especially often the very creative, artistic, […]
Is it possible that this entire human world is completely upside down in its beliefs, and in fact life is a bad thing; death is a good thing; and suicide is the act of an enlightened soul that has come to this awakening?
What do humans live for? Ostensibly to contribute to life. To make life better for themselves, their families and other humans. Longer, happier lives for everyone.
The same thing can be said about an acid trip. You want it to be a happy one. You want it to last as long as possible. You want to share it with your friends. But in the […]
I hate life. I hate people. I hate this world. I hate reality / real world / real life, they are all too boring/mundane for me, and I’ve found almost nothing that is interesting in this reality/real-life/real-world anymore, also in MOST people/humans!
the majority or MOST of human beings/people in this world I’ve found to be either a bunch of stupid, shallow, superficial, ignorant, selfish, rigid, stoic, lifeless, uninteresting, uncreative, and/or boring / mundane ones.
maybe that’s why this “reality” (or “real world” / “real life”) or our society currently is sooo f*cked up now almost beyond help!
with only VERY FEW exceptions of: real-GOOD, honest humans/people, real […]
There is peace all over this earth, but never will I find peace. I don’t belong anywhere, and everywhere I go, all I see is disapointment and isolation. I love this planet, and I love humanity. Thing is, humans with no respect are destroying it and I can’t stand it. It hurts me to see all these animals being mistreated and chopped into food, it hurts to see all this oil and trash in our beautiful seas, all these people starving, these nuclear stations, this poison in our food, the polluted air, wars, fluoride in the water…. I’m just a witness of all this desolation […]
1. If you fall in category of Ludwig Boltzman, kurt cobain, Sigmund Freud, alan turing … it is absolutely makes sense if you are suicidal
2. Otherwise you will fall under category thousands of talibans dying, hundreds of people dying on accidents, lots of un noticed humans dying on roads, ….
Being suicidal is not for every one. First get the success in life, than suicide. Which inspires others who want to suicide.
Every human provided with 100 years and little bit access to huge brain.
What they are doing:
1. Try to make money which he may not finish in his life time
2. Strive for fame where everyone praise him even after his death
poor people go for 1st option
average people sulk on their misfortune birth
rich people go for 2nd option
you don’t experience, literally, anything if you are dead.
logically speaking, humans are foolish
only non foolish act a human can do
1. suicide
2. suicide
3. suicide
I hate the way that when someone mentions suicide, people automatically assume they have a mental illness, or are in sone emotional state clouding their judgement. This isn’t always the case, and certainly not for me. I think people find it hard to grasp the concept that human beings aren’t perfect creatures, that every now and then genetics, hormones and the environment come together to make a mistake; an incoherent individual. This might present itself in many ways; dysphoria with your body for instance. Unfortunately we haven’t fully mastered the human body, and there is still plenty that cannot be changed to ensure coherence. do […]
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