1. What is your job?
or what do you study?
2. Do you like it? or hate it? or fucking hate it, but have little to no choice?
3. And is you’re feeling suicidal also related with your job/working life?
perhaps feeling meaningless, and hate life?
4. Last but not least, why don’t you pursue your dreams, or your dream-job, or what makes you happy?
What makes you hesitate?
In answer to #4…… I would not know where to start. I don’t even have enough food or money to eat today.
1. Retail. in a big-box-store.
2. I dislike it very much, but I don’t have much choice.
3. Lots of times at work I tend to get bored and my thoughts turn to suicide (I already think of it plenty, when I’m at work it happens more often.)
4. It is my dream to go to college and get two degrees. (one in something I like, like art or music or fashion) and the other in something practical, like science) But I don’t have the money. I can’t get a scholarship because my grades weren’t good enough in high school (I was smart but I had other shit going on in my life) and forget about applying for loans. I wouldn’t be able to pay them off in this fucked up economy.
That’s my ultimate dream. But I do have a list of things I’d like to do in my life, before I die. They include things like:
a. get more tattoos. I’ll get a tattoo for each thing that has kept me alive (like my grandma, my dog, and my favorite band)
b. turn 21 and buy alcohol
c. go see more bands in concert
d. Have breakfast at Tiffany’s.
So I can’t kill myself until I finish these things, minus the college degree thing.
– I am, half my life, a film editing student.
– I also work 5month holiday periods in a post-production house as a VT Operator and Online Edit Assistant. [I would explain; but it would bore you.]
I’m content. I do not like or dislike it.
I believe I would love what it is I do, but I love nothing.
People assume that, since I have worked on feature films, my life (or at least my job) is exciting. Personally, i have found nothing to be as interesting as to when you dreamt of doing it.
I blame nothing and everything for my Suicidal thoughts. But work is not a significant cause.
– When at work, I work 12-14hours per day. Not because I enjoy it, but I find it keeps my mind at ease. When I am busy, I do not have time to contemplate.
I am also based in a dim-lit basement room, alone, pressing routine buttons. I am at my best this way.
I have 2 dreams that are achievable.
i) Live alone in a small cottage on a small, near barren island. The work I do is that which will directly support me. [e.g. sustaining crops]. No need for human interaction; just three dogs, myself and the land.
ii) Kill myself.
Both would make me the happiest a man can be. (For the second, figuratively speaking of course). BUT…both require will (which I do not have) and spontaneity.
Cheer up guys, I know it’s easier said then done sometimes, but it needs to be said.
I have had numerous jobs from factory work, construction work, retail work, telemarketing work etc when i was young to then completing my degree in bus/mktg and working for large drinks companies both locally and o’seas. Travelled a lot, did a course in film/tv and now work as a consultant to large co’s and small co’s helping them devise ways to better their business, service, and am a financial partner only in a few small graphic design firms (ie not involved day to day).
Just remember, life is not perfect for anyone. Try and open your eyes and find decent/good people to be around. They are everywhere.
Life is not about being cool or popular, its about the quality of relationships/friendships we form through life. Also learn to relax and be calm.
Stay well people…
1. Film/TV editor. But trying to go back to school to qualify as a social worker
2. I love the creative jobs. I hate the corporate/advertising jobs. I love some of the creatives I work with. I hate some of the egos I deal with.
3. Well, part of it is that I feel guilty… that I should be doing something that actually makes the world a better place, instead of make ads to tell people to buy crap they don’t need. But, hence why I am trying to change careers
4. I pursued my dream. Editing was my first love. But in the pursuit of that dream, I also neglected a few others (yes, I have more than one dream. Is that OK?). Todays world is rigidly structured and we spend 3-6 years and a shitload of money in schools to train for ONE job. It’s quite an investment, so it’s understandable that you would focus on only ONE dream, but I don’t really think a lot of people are wired to just pursue one thing. I think tht is what makes me unhappy, the fact that in pursuing this ONE thing, I have to ignore all my other interests/passions. Trying to rectify that 🙂
Big dreams in life when I was young,but now I’m here haha
My job. I’m a psychoanalysis. Do i like it. Well it pay’s the bill’s.
My dream job. Not sure.
1 I work @ a customs broker.
2 My dream job is either a Sports Talk radio host or doing something with my music.
3 My depression is related to my job but I’ve been depressed forever so it is not to blame. It isn’t even the major current cause of my depression. My overall sense of inadequacy is. My job plays a part in that but isn’t the main culprit.
4 Depression, Social Anxiety, and the lack of the necessary connections.
Same here Kno1.I just don’t have the confidence to pursue most worthwhile jobs,I go for the crap ones and can’t even stick doing them.(not saying your is crap kno1.It sounds quite important)
i go to college. i am studying social science. its just something i have to do bc i know that w/o schooling i wont be able to make money= everything in this world we live in-unfortunately. it is a struggle to find the motivation everyday to get up and go to classes-its hard to motivate myself especially when i feel so lost and depressed and suffer from anxiety disorder. i pray alot. i talk to God alot. i believe that is what has kept me going plus my ambition. i want to not be a stereotype. i want to be “successful”. doesnt mean i have to be very rich, but i want to have enough to get my own home and car and be able to have kids…maybe. im not sure about the kids but yea, i want to have a financially stable life. i know that my depression will always be there, but i choose to not let it overcome my whole life. i cant help the random thoughts of suicide, but i can help to shake them away and start fresh everyday.
@noom it isn’t an important job nor does it pay well. Its crap ha. @xixshaiyaxix I wish I had your outlook on depression not to let it beat me…