I was picked up out of my home and thrown into a mental hospital on 12/30/2011 for a week so it really thwarted my plans of ctb before the new year. I left the hospital with a false sense of optimism, and now I’m sitting in my apartment on suicide websites again…..feeling like my soul is dead and I’m just going through the motions because that’s what I was told to do. Truth be told, I have no idea what the next day or weeks ahead of me hold….I know today was a shitty day, not sure when the glimmer of sunshine will show through the clouds, but I hope I last long enough to see it. Hope everyone’s New Year was better than mine.
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“Here’s The Hell of It: Madness Doesn’t Announce Itself.”
The title reminded me of that. So your soul is dead, huh. Mine is too. At least it feels that way. I sit here occupying myself with a book..and instrumental music..