it’s sad to think i’m only fifeteen and i have tried to kill myself two times. yes two times. my mom found me both times, in the bathroom. In seventh grade i lost my best friend to suicide, i just wanted to see her. so i thought if i cut deeper i would bleed out. i passed out and i woke up in the hospital. they gave me pills for depression and i had to go to therapy. the second time i tried to i almost OD on pills i found in my moms room, i couldn’t get the bottle open and i was screaming and crying. my mom walked in and grabbed me and the bottle and threw it on the bed. i was crying so hard and i was so mad she took the bottle. since then i had help and what not and everything was going well. i had a boyfriend, my family who loved me, and friends. but i changed into a person who now haunts me. i can’t even look at myself in the mirror with out being sickened. a lot of people hate me for things i have done and they all make sure they show that they hate me. they message me, say something on Facebook or text me. some people even call on private and say mean things. last night i broke down. i took the pills and stood in my bathroom looking at myself and the bottle crying. i knew i would be missed. but if i died half of srq wouldn’t care. some people would and my family. but i stopped myself because something told me to. i never was a big believer in God but since yesterday, he saved me. he told me to put it down and that i was worth so much. i put the bottle back and went to sleep. life is going to be okay. i know. and that people will be the way they are. i’m working on changing who i am, and i’m working on becoming strong again. i know i can be strong again. i did it once i can do it again. i will never touch another razor nor a bottle of pills in my life to hurt myself. i have so many people who care about me and i know i’m worth something. i will still have my break down moments but i know i’m strong and i will be okay.
>> i know i can be strong again. i did it once i
>> can do it again. i will never touch another
>> razor nor a bottle of pills in my life to hurt
>> myself. i have so many people who care
>> about me and i know i’m worth something. i
>> will still have my break down moments
>> but i know i’m strong and i will be okay.
Thank you for posting your story. A lot of us, including me, go through periods of darkness… The rain falls and it seems like it will never stop… and then something happens to let us know that things will get better. It was inspiring to read that… and I know that your journey will take you far. There will be people who try to help or hinder you… and you’ll keep moving forward. So many people do indeed care about you. Stay strong. Do a lot. God Bless you.
Good luck with that. You made a wonderful decision to stop causing trouble. Your mother must be so relived. Don’t forget to give her lots of hugs and kisses to thank her for being there for you. If people are sending you hate you need to cut them off. Block them on facebook (get off of facebook?), change your phone number, and if all else fails (apologize and be kind to them). I figure, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It’s as simple as it gets in this complicated word. Persistence is key.
thanks for posting this.:) i’m so happy for you that things are getting better. God bless!
i just wanted to add..highschool is tough and people suck.:( but your going to do so many great things in your life,and there is so much more to life than highschool and the stupid people we all have to deal with during that lovely period of our lives. you can do anything you set your mind to,and God is always with you,no matter what. 🙂