how did u guys make it through ur depression or thoughts of suiside because i just dont wat to do and i dont realy have anyone to go to so im hoping this website will help me because i am havin a realy hard time with this please i dont have any where else to turn please my mom adopted mom doensnt care about me at all so this is all i have
well…since i am married, it IS still the thought of him……….so im not being fair to myself, again…only to someone else, someone who is happy on this earth as opposed to me~~~~~gtlad u r here with all of us~~~~~m
thanks im just glad i found this website
Hi Mia… To be honest, some days are better than others… I try to tell myself that I’ve made it this far in life and that I can make it further. Sometimes I can look back and recall a really, really difficult situation… and how I made it through it. Sometimes it’s not easy… and I can’t tell you how I’ve made it through some of the particularly dark periods. To a degree, I’ve convinced myself that I’m due for an uptick… and, if it’s going to happen, I’ll need to lay a foundation of sorts. If I give up and don’t try to push myself forward, who will?
thank u maybe it will get better i hope it will anyway and do u no who this deathbug person is and did she really kill herself or wat
Hi Mia,I’m Ella. I’m sorry things are so hard right now.:( your not alone though okay? we’re all here for you. everybody copes in different ways but for me,I’m a really strong christian and I believe God saved my life. it doesn’t mean all the bad feelings go way completely,but I know that there is a reason we are all here and I pray and lean on God when I’m struggling.have you talked to anyone about how your feeling? journaling helped me too,just to pray and write everything down and let it go,realize I can’t control everything in my life,but that I can choose to see the joy in everyday life,even when things seem dark. is there anything you love to do,like art? my cousin always paints when she’s upset. music helps a lot too,singing or playing an instrument or just listening to your favorite song. also,if i’m really struggling with pent up feelings,running always helps.the endorphins from exercise make you feel better and also it helps me if i’m mad about something to get all that anger out by pushing myself to sprint,i run until i get all my feelings out.hang in there okay? don’t give up,you sound really have your whole life ahead of you,and theres a lot of people in the world and a lot of things to accomplish,and a lot of places to go.please don’t give up.
i guess to most people on here i am realy young im almosts 15 but before my adpted mom pulled mr out of school i was in the music program i won our schools talent show for singing iwas 13 wen my mom pulled me out and i was 12 wen i won iwas in 7th wen she pulled me out and wen i won i cant talk 2 anyone exept the people on here because im home schooled an i liv in the country bu thanks 2
i’m 19,i remember 14 though,it was tough.:( my best friend tried to kill herslef but she called me instead and her friends and her family helped her get through it. she’s 18 now and at university,she’s beautiful and smart and going to become a doctor someday. it does get better,i promise you. you can do anything with your life. theres so many possibilities. you sound like a really nice really talented person,and I’m sure you’ll do great things in your life.that’s amazing that you won the talent show! if you love singing and music,i say jump into it with both feet. is there anyway you could take lessons or something?
i don’t know who deathbug is either,did you read something on here about that person? i hope they are still alive.i’ve been through a lot in my life,but i believe firmly that suicide is never the answer.we have no idea what tomorrow could bring,you know? please please don’t give up on our life. you can get your permit at 15 and drive at 16,(which helps,trust me)and theres so many good things ahead of you,marriage,kids,a great career. i was homeschooled for a couple years too,from 15 to 18,i know it’s lonely sometimes. i know you say you live in the country so it makes it hard to go places,but i would talk to my parents about it if i were you. i know sometimes it feels like they aren’t even on the same wavelength like a radio when you can’t quite get the station to come in clearly. i’m sorry your having a hard time. and i know i don’t know your situation,but i believe they do love you. hang in there okay?
thank u lots. but before i moved my bfs said i should try out for american idol so i guess i could do that next year and have u ever wished u could turn back the clock so u could prevent somthing from happenin.
if it were possible i would turn it back to 1999 witch is the year my parents were in a car accident i would of some how tried to prevent that because i was sent to a orphange wen i was only 2 and i was just adopted wen i was 9 it was hard growing up but now i think it might just get better now that i have all these people on here who r helpin
Mia Says:
March 11th, 2012 at 4:22 pm
thank u maybe it will get better i hope it will anyway and do u no who this deathbug person is and did she really kill herself or wat
BAD JUJU~~~~~~~
i’m so so sorry for your loss.:( my mom died when i was 14 months old. i definitely know what you mean about wanting to turn back the clock. 🙁 but just because we can’t see our parents anymore doesn’t mean they are gone,they are in heaven watching over you. :)I decided a long time ago that I wanted to live my life to honor my mom,and I think you should do the same for your parents.:) they love you. that doesn’t ever go away,alright? I think it’s great to have a goal like that! If that’s your dream,I say go for it and don’t ever give up.I didn’t get along with my stepmom at all either,I know it can be tough. I’m sure there is a lot of people on here who you could talk to about being adopted too.
thnks and im sorry for taken up all ur time
its just nice to no someone actualy cares i wont bother u anymore
thanks again and by the way ur really cool
thanks. 🙂 lol. it’s no trouble,i’m actually stuck on the couch with a messed up knee. :Pi’m glad I could help you.
wat did u do 2 ur knee :p
i no this probley sounds really stupid but do u think i should keep using my nickname, Mia or use my real name, Amelia
it’s pathetic. lol. I just slipped in the laundry room while I was washing clothes. the phone rang and I tried to run for it,and wham,I fell on the tile,with all my weight on my one knee. I think it’s gonna be okay though,it’s just swollen so it looks worse than it is. I have to go though,but I wanted to add that,I know things are really hard and home life is tough. Idk if anyone is mistreating you,but for me,I was abused and i believed what people were saying to me,I felt like i was worthless. but it’s not true. the problem isn’t with you or me or anyone who is mistreated,it’s with the people who mistreat us. it’s not our fault and we DON’T deserve it.don’t listen to them,and don’t believe it when they make you feel worthless. you can do anything you set your mind to,you have to believe it. so believe it,okay?
When everyone else will refrain
I drink to take away the pain
I have convinced myself in my brain
Things will never be the same
Hi, Mia.. Whatever you choose works… Mia, Mia Renee, or Amelia… It’s really a matter of personal preference. All three are very nice names.
i cant use mia renee cause renee is my last name
I think both are pretty. my full name is Danielle but everybody calls me Ella.It just depends on what you like better.if you feel like you want a new start,it can help to change it if it’s what you want. it’s not stupid. people do the same thing when they buy new clothes or get a new haircut. it helps sometimes. good luck k?