I live in a world where i am always unhappy. my grades are slipping and my parents yell all the time now or ignore me. My brother is their favorite they would give him the world if they could. But to them im just that other kid who was raised by baby sitters until the age of 10. I get bullied at school. I try to hide my depresion so i fit in. Iguess i’m pretty good at hiding it too. For a while nobody knew the dark cloud that surrounded my mind. i first thought about suicide when i was about 8 years old. during which i had an abusive baby sitter who shaped me into the broken disfuntional person i am today. i WAnted to die from the age of 8 to now(14) the desire for an ending to the life i live has gotten greater. i would have killed myself long before now but for some reason i stoped. i don’t really know why i just didn’t go through with it i couldn’t but i wish i would have.things would be so much easier now. I really don’t think i could do it now because of my friend Justise and my girl friend Michelle they are two of  the most amazing people i have been lucky enough to meet. They’er  the only people that i know who really truly understand me. i just don’t want to lose them. They are all that brings me joy anymore. In this world at the moment all i’m looking for is an end i just want to wake up and see that it was all fake. a dream. that is my wish. but if it would make me never meet Justise or Michelle. it wouldn’t be worth it. soon i may move away from them and i may result in the end i have been waiting for. But idon’t want to hurt them. I am so scared and pariond some times i think i hear voices i want to try lucid dreaming so i have a place that i control with no worries and depresion. i just want an end thats all i want.
Bullying is so silly it frustrates me that it still occurs. Maybe if you become stronger the bullies will leave you alone. Don’t give them the reaction they want. Don’t let them see you as vulnerable and stay close to teachers I guess. I’m sorry to hear your childhood wasn’t good! Many children suffer as well. Did you hear today in the news that a 10 year old girl gave birth? Isn’t that terrible? Awful people that harm children are everywhere. I know your babysitter harmed you but you must remind yourself that you are not what happened to you, you are what you chose to become. It’s easy to be depressed. To smile and move on- that takes strength. Of course many people can’t do this alone. You need help! Tell your parents “I’m depressed, I don’t want to be, help me and my grades and attitude will improve!†Your parents love you just as much as they love your brother. Sometimes we forget to show how much we care about our loved ones. When was the last time you told your parents “I love you†and hugged them? One of my friends is the happiest girl in the world and I went to her house last weekend and she literally said “I love you†to her dad 10 times during my visit. You can’t die yet because you want to live. Live for what you love. If you love your friend and don’t want to hurt her then let her help you and get better (make her smile!). Even if you move away you can still have a good relationship with J (skype, facebook, visit, phone calls). Don’t use her absence from your life as an excuse to die. With a little effort you can make new friends too (if you move). All you need to say is “HI†and the World is not going to end if that person doesn’t become your friend. Keep trying until you find that amazing person that was missing from your life. Your life can be wonderful when you put a little effort into it. There are so many things to love, to explore, to learn, to experience. The world is what you make of it. If you think it’s terrible then it will be. If you want to be miserable and die, then do but if you want to live then ask for help and make an effort to come out of your depression. Many young people have come out of depression and so can you. Tell your parents, take medication, and talk to someone. Do something! You’re stuck in your misery because you’re not trying. You can’t move because you don’t try and put the blame on others.
I just want to remind you that your past has made you a stronger person and if you work at it, you can make yourself feel better. When you are aware of your sadness, instead of falling deeper into the whole you have dug, tell yourself “Hey, I’m in a bad mood, let me do something about it.†When you get off balance tell yourself that you can change your mood by taking action. Take positive actions that move you from defeat to empowerment. When you’re sad, acknowledge this feeling and remind yourself that this is not how you want to feel. Do what makes you happy! Everyone is different so I don’t think my examples will be helpful but I think that universally, taking a nap when you’re angry or sad helps. Also exercising.
I know that it’s easier not to do anything but if you can’t die tomorrow; you better start formulating a plan because life sucks when you’re sad all the time.
Thank you for the advice. but to say this in a nice way my dad sucks. i have told him i have issues and now he treats me like an idiot even though it makes me mad and it’s a total lie almost every day i say i love my parents. i really really REALLY don’t! but your comment made me have some confidence but sadly that may only last a few days but thank you.