to die. So I’m pretty sure I’m done I am very serious but can’t become 100% certain. I can’t function around people, I have been deeply depressed for around 7 years, My motivation in life is to hurt those who hurt me nothing more and nothing less. I have no real goals or dreams in life, I have been on alot of medication, tried everything, have no reason to live and am almost sure I am incapable of love or happiness or even being content. I don’t want to live in any society and I wont do anything I don’t want to. I don’t want a relationship and I never will. I don’t want life. My brain has become fucked up from the disease of humanity and all the countless hours of pondering and trying to find the answers to everything have led me to the fact that there will never be any answers. I can’t imagine getting up everyday for work and I won’t ever have to. I put a cap on my life saying If I’m not okay by a certain age then I’m done and I have almost reached that cap. My therapist says that most patients with my problems 10 20 30 years later are either miserable or dead. Nobody at all has anything useful to say to me and as a result of constant searching and listening I have heard all the advice and Ideas that exist, I have heard and studied every point of view there is. I know too much and could never be content with anything life has to offer. I feel my apathy growing and I’m slowly losing all concern for everything. I can’t believe I don’t even care about humanity but especially my dog. I can’t cry ever. The reason I am alive is not to help others its not because of goals or dreams, its not because of blood and organs, its because of rage pure rage, I’m alive because I can’t die without hurting the people I hate. It seemed so surreal and hit me when I thought I could hurt myself and stop my own existence. I always knew and thought that but it wasn’t a thought it was in a feeling. It made me sad so I tried to make a list of things that I would regret missing if I died in 10 minutes, but I couldn’t come up with a single thing that doesn’t involve revenge. I wish I had time to think it over and really give alot of thought to my suicide, but I am physically sick and I have been to every doctor searching for what is wrong and none could ever find anything. I can’t stand the constant sickness on top of the nihilism and depression and the complete inability to ever be around anybody else. I get paranoid at night and can’t go outside because of people during the day so I am fucked by something at every hour of the day. Its all internal nothing external could change a thing. My parents refuse to talk to me about any of it and avoid me if I try to mention it. I am left with no options in life and I have to kill myself. I’m not sure why I’m bothering to write all this, because I’m not looking for reasons to live. I will never be okay and it feels like I have brain damage but my parents refuse to let me get a scan so I will never know for sure. I am so deep into my effects of social isolation that I don’t know If I could ever function around a person again. I am so fucked that I lay in bed all day and all I have to do all day long is get up and feed the dogs and more than half the time I don’t and make my parents do it when they get home. Nothing comforts me I even feel sick from eating. My stomach is messed up and I can’t find out what is wrong with it, My head always hurts and when I stand up I have to grab somthing because I feel like I will fall. Constantly dizzy and feel in a constant thick fog like I can never think of anything. I can’t think of any reason to live and even if I was mentally and physically fine I still would hate the world and want to die. I’m either going 30 feet long drop hanging or if possible shotgun to head
The animal… hmm. I remember, for a long time only rage and hate kept me going. But I couldn’t live like that… not in that darkness. So I had to move on…
Doctors won’t be able to find anything that isn’t there… It’s only because of your mind…
Despair always manifests in the body…
Fuck, I can’t think of a bodypart that didn’t hurt because of the shit in my head. Ha
hate & rage kept me going from june 2010 to mid-march 2012 .. I was only concerned with getting revenge on humanity, even though I don’t like to hurt people
“I don’t want to live in any society and I wont do anything I don’t want to.”
“I can’t imagine getting up everyday for work”
same here
the thick fog that won’t give you a break = apathy + depression .. mine has vanished, I can only hope it’s left for good
“if I was mentally and physically fine I still would hate the world and want to die”
I often feel this way .. even though I’ve been doing ok for ~2 months, I’d still choose death over life without a second thought .. growing apathy is a *****, I wish I knew a way to reverse it
* mostly obsessed inst. of concerned
I really wish I could start over to have a chance at finding the good in life
If you’re really out of options, why not just take a few things, whatever money you have left and just leave?
leave to where?
Wherever. If you really got nothing to lose it can’t do any more harm. At least you would be free of obligations and other’s expectations for a while. Good thing about dying is that it’s always an option, anytime anywhere. Worst case scenario you run out of money before you find any reason of drive to keep on leaving, it’ll be a bit less traumatic for your loved ones if you die far away rather than be found hanged in your room or some such.
In the end it’s just about doing something radically different since what you’re doing and where you are is not working for you. Whatever form that may take is up to you.