So I was thinking a lot about my life…and how it turned out so far. Everyone that I know thinks I live such a good life, or atleast should. I have such a nice house, live in literally the nicest neighboorhood, have two parents, perfect grades, colleges asking ME to apply to THEM, own my own car, work at an IT job that pays a lot, have perfect skin….
And yet that brings me no joy, I’m missing the happiness from it all. I don’t want that. What am I leaving out from what I already said? Oh yeah…how I was raised in the hood, or how my dad abanoned me, or how I had to raise my sister because my mom was never home? How about that I was molested at the age of 12?
Now look at where I am…chronic anorexia, doing drugs, having the cops called on me, being sent to the mental ward, trying to commit suicide and almost dying, diagnosed with major depression with high concerns. And still…everyone thinks I live an amazing life. I wish people didn’t judge from the outside.