People say my life is great. I have a girlfriend and I’m one of the best low brass players in my band. But my problems keep me from moving forward and it’s been happening for years. My strict parents who are barely tolerable are always disappointed in me even though I’ve done nothing wrong. My girlfriend has such a better life than me and I’ve always had some sort of envy. She’s my girlfriend and I love her for who she is but she’s always bragging about her lifestyle and in the end she always better than me in almost every single way. I don’t have really supportive friends I’m not physically attractive. One thing about me that everyone knows about me is my selflessness. I try to be my best robe selfless but it’s just leading me nowhere. Right now the only person that’s keeping me alive is my girlfriend Emily and I don’t know if I can hold on any longer. I’m nothing like those attention whores I’m really a guy in need. I’m desperate just to stay alive. I’ve almost walked through traffic and almost ended myself. I can’t take this anymore and it’s too hard just to live through this desperation. Please help me
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Hi, there.
I’m a brass player too.
(french horn).
Yay brass!
I definitely understand the frustration of dealing with people who are so strict they are barely tolerable. It’s miserable just to be around them sometimes.
When you say Emily has a “better life”, do you mean she has more friends, or she has more supportive parents, or she’s financially better off, or… what exactly?
Maybe she doesn’t realize that she comes across as bragging. If you feel she’s open to talking about it, maybe that could be the topic of a rational discussion.
Not arguing or accusations; just something simple like “I feel like I need to say this. It makes me uncomfortable when you [whatever she does that feels like bragging].”