For seven years now ive been lieing to myself believing things would get better, people would change….my efforts to hold on would pay off….but ive hit a point where everything has lost meaning and hope….my thoughts of suicide are my only form of happiness now…my life has lost value i no longer see the point in waken up….i cant escape my thoughts no matter how hard i try….everyone doesnt   realize the hurt i feel n why its so easy for me to jus not care about anything…they take it as a  joke n use me as an escape from their lives….ive tried to reach out for help….but its like a sick joke…ill only get help if i have something to give but im all used up….im empty n cold…i cant lie anymore things wont get better, people wont change and holding on only drags the pain on… mom jus uses me for the pills i can get from my doctor, idk if the person i think is my dad might not even be my dad but it doesnt even matter cuz it wasnt like he was in my life….my gf  says she loves me but still cheats on me…she was my last hope i put everything i had left into this relationship n idk if im to much or not enough for her….like i said my thoughts of suicide my only form of happiness…i find an un-explainable joy in the thought of me bleeding to death or crashing my car…i jus dont want to hurt anyone so now im intentionaly pushing away all my loved ones n maken them hate me…ive really lost all hope
Hey emped,
I won’t pretend to know your issues’s, but you say …For seven years now ive been lieing to myself believing things would get better”
Tell me what ur better life would look like ….
We cant change our past but we can change our understanding of it. The future however we can change. Time alone doesnt change things for the better, our insight & effort do.
Ad astra
a better life would be one where i matter as a person..not as a person that can do something or get something for you…something real no fake stuff…what you say is true but i can never get a clear understanding of my past cuz i got into an accident when i was 13 n i cant remember my childhood n what im told isnt the whole truth i put in effort but it always ends the same im jus an escape for someone or they need me to do something n they couldnt tell me straight up the only understanding ive ever got was why i like to do crazy things…the rush i get from those things are what help me feel alive n the pain n scars are jus a reward n reminder that i did do stuff with my life…