So I live in Canada, and we are all under this quarantine and my work is closed. Normally I have no issues staying home, infact I prefer it. But now I can’t go out and see people who make me happy. And my living situation with my parents is so horribly toxic I feel like i’m drowning. Everything I fucking do is wrong. I’m too old for this. I shouldn’t feel this way. I don’t deserve the bullshit I get but here we are. I haven’t been depressed in months. I worked so hard, so fucking hard not to be anymore and in 3 weeks […]
Hi! I'm an 20 year old who ended up severely depressed due to post concussion syndrome. Life sucks LOL, I have no clue what the fuck I did to deserve it but here we are. Suffering in silence. :)
Do you ever just wish you had some kind of disease that would eventually, somehow or another kill you? I know it’s sick to say, and sick to idolize it but saying that you’re going to die from like cancer or something sounds so much nicer than someone who says that they are going to kill themselves. Now i’m sure that most people who are terminally ill, don’t want to die. But I can also say that I as someone who has depression and is suicidal, I don’t want to die either. But at the same time I do. Depression is like an endless disease […]
I’m writing this here because I really need to get it off my chest and I have no one else to speak to this about. It’s just some bullshit that’s been annoying the fuck outta me.
So my boyfriend, best friend and I were supposed to fly to Cuba next week for vacation. Now if you don’t live in a bubble then you’ll know that a fucking massive hurricane tore through Cuba onwards to Florida. Because of that, obviously, our flight is cancelled. And I was the one who booked it under my name so I sent the email to them letting them know. Obviously everyone […]
I wonder when things will become easier to discuss with people. When will I be able to comfortably talk about my depression and the darkest part of my brain to another person? I recently had a huge problem that brought this problem to light, wondering how many other people. such as yourselfs, struggle with this as well. The understanding. Relatability. Willingness to listen without judgement. I’ll explain my situation to you all;
So my family and I have been on and off with our relationship, one second we get along, laugh, have a great time. Another second we are butting heads and completely at odds with […]
Well I’ve been spending my night curled in my bed in absolute mental pain balling my fucking eyes out trying NOT to kill myself.
Here’s what happened leading up to this; so I went to a BBQ at a friends place and old coworkers came (I quit the position with all the people who came to the bbq) so they were there. My one friend asked me if I wanted to get high with her. I said yeah sure to have some fun. Now when I’m high… i’m silly and fun to be around. I say dumb shit but I’m not a bad high so… I […]
I made a In the Moment decision to go back to college after getting kicked out for failing last year. It burned me pretty hard and I had no desire to go back ever again. But… the course is what I REALLY wanna do in life. I’m just so concerned I’ll fail again and will be the family fuck up once again.
I’m so worried. I’m having a million doubts right now.
Do you ever just get so used to something that when it stops… You feel so lost and useless like you were distracted this whole time and just got slapped with reality? Yeah… well I did.
I guess it’s selfish. I’m used to getting a certain amount of attention that makes me hate life less. The only person on this shitty earth that makes breathing worth it. And now.. that attention is slim to none. I hate busy people. It makes me angry. Even when I have things to do… I’d do anything for this person. But then I forget that he has a big family… […]
So… Over the past month I’ve realized that i’ve done a series of things putting myself in dangerous situations without realizing that it could have killed me. Maybe it was just a way of me wanting to die but not understanding why I did it.
You see… I can’t swim. I went on a boat with my boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend and we were all drinking having fun on a lake. My best friend and her boyfriend jumped off the boat into the water and I got jealous. Now everyone knows I can’t swim… so when i said I wanna do it, big surprise […]
I don’t really know what’s going on anymore. I’m self destructing my own life and I can’t stop it. I have no one that understands and can help me out of this. It’s something i have to do… but how?
I’ve called in sick from work for atleast a week now. My manager tried to contact me today but I didn’t pick up the phone. I’m sure it was to try to let me go, which I really wouldn’t care about because I absolutely hate that job. But my boyfriend, is continually bashing me for not going and it’s not at all like him to do […]
I thought I was doing so much better. Shit got rough… and then I was like Yes I think i’ve fixed myself, no need for a therapist. No need to talk about my stupid fucking feeling again, as if they matter. I fixed myself. I pushed it back.
And here I fucking am. Once again. Worse than I was before. Literally searching at 12am reasons to stay, signs of emotional abuse, talking to my friend whos drunk telling me to be happy. What the fuck is my life even? Who am I? I literally don’t know. My favourite colours mean nothing to me anymore. My favourite […]
This is the only place I can really open up to this, and I really need to write this at least once.
I’m absolutely falling apart and I don’t know how to fix myself anymore. I so desperately try to look for the bright side of things, but being the realistic person that I am, I know when to admit that absolutely nothing is going my way and the world is actually working against me. I try and try, I never wanted to give up, but who am I kidding? Even my best effort isn’t good enough.
I’ve skipped an entire week of college due to me […]
So recently, this appears to constantly happen to me apparently, I fell for a guy, we were literally only together for about a month and he made me feel some type of way for the first time in a very long time. I thought, this is it. I am happy and he’s the one. Till I found out everything he ever said to me was a lie and he threw me away for my friend like I was yesterdays trash.
Now normally I am an extremely strong person and I hold my own very well. No one will ever know how broken I am, nor do […]
Do you ever just get the feeling of being SO incredibly happy for a split second, and then you hit reality hard and remember that you’re not allowed to be happy. Happiness just isn’t in the cards for you.
Well it happened to me, once again. I met someone… not really new… as was in grade school with him, but we reconnected, and hit it off. It’s the best feeling ever. Then he asked me out and I thought forsure this was my chance! This was the world correcting itself for all my misfortunes in the past. And then shortly after I realized, it’s probably not. […]
I’ve realized that I never truly introduced myself to the people of this site and I feel like I should explain what people see on the outside of me, rather than my extremely dark and weird mind that I see. I’m not afraid to get personal on here.
Well here goes: HELLO 🙂 lol
My name is Emily, last name doesn’t matter, I’m SO CLOSE to 19 years old. I live in the great white north of Canada, jk, It’s pretty ugly. Here’s my story, and how my life went wrong, my life started out as everyone elses did. When I was 7 years old, my […]
Do you ever just stay up late til like 5am and just struggle to find a reason to not kill yourself? I have done this for the past 2 weeks.
The worst feeling in the world, is being treated like a second option, and feeling unwanted. Being with someone who constantly makes up excuses for not seeing you and then wonders why I get upset so often.
My family disowned me. I have 0 hobbies. 0 friends. I do nothing with my life except go to work and be bored as fuck in my house alone.
I tried to kill myself once, obviously failed. At first I thought, […]
Well.. I dumped my boyfriend. He was a scumbag. Had no respect for me whats so ever. Fuck that guy.
I thought I would be even more depressed from it.
But honestly, I feel 1000 times better.
I feel like that stupid dark cloud has finally fucked off for awhile atleast.
If I knew all I had to do was get rid of him to feel happier, I would have done it a long time ago.
Thankyou asshole ex-boyfriend for teaching me what I never want in my life again. 🙂 YOU.
I never thought it would get this way again. Everything was looking up, I was happy. But I guess my happiness always has a nasty habit of running away from me and leaving me like everyone else.
I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared I have no idea what to do. I wake up shaking from anxiety from dreams I can’t remember. I’m not eating, i’m not sleeping. I just got a new job and I don’t even know how I’m going to manage that. I never want to leave the house anymore. What’s the point? I have a boyfriend, things seemed perfect. Maybe i’m just too […]
It’s kind of sad how badly I want my therapist to tell me to just give up, sometimes I don’t know how much longer I can continue to push myself past this.
The day I attempted, I knew exactly what I wanted. I didn’t care who was hurt and who would be a complete mess if I actually did die. I wanted out. For weeks before I was under so much stress from my mother. Everything was always my fault. Everything. The night before I attempted, I stayed out til 4 am with my boyfriend having one of the best nights in my life. When I finally came home, with 1% on my phone battery, I was locked out. She locked me outside in the downpour thunderstorm, frozen cold.
I managed to get my phone one long enough to […]
I recently ended up moving in with my dad who hasn’t been in my life for 7 years because my mother kicked me out after I attempted suicide in July. She likes to believe that my entire depression that I’ve had for 3 years has been fake. Being with my dad is definitely better than being with my mother… except I feel like I’ve screwed up his life now. He isn’t used to living with his kids and isn’t used to spending money on anyone but himself so I get in a lot of crap for being expensive. I think about trying again everyday. But […]