I called this I Dye My Hair! Because when I was 13 yrs old I started cutting myself aka self harm. I have plenty scars on my body. And I know they will be there forever. So I learned to love each scar and shows me who I am and where I came from. I will always have memories part of me. I’ve. Stopped cutting about like September 2015 so I was just turning 17 and I haven’t really done it since then. But allot I think about it. So I have a technique I used on myself. I started dying my hair a […]
Stories of Hope
My whole life the odds have been stacked against me. My parents divorced when i was a toddler. My father was an unstable manic depressant. My mother was a narcopath. Over the years I’ve had my ups and downs with my dad. The downs were really low, often involving violence. My finger is permanently disfigured due to a fight fight with him almost a decade ago. I’ve had mostly downs with my mom. She’s not allowed in mine or my family’s lives. Long story short: she’s a user who abuses those close to her until they have nothing left to give, including me. Her top […]
I read a lot of posts by people who seem to be in their early years (teens, 20’s) and it makes me feel sad that so many young people feel so hopeless. I understand though – I reached that point too when I was in college, and if not for a quick-thinking friend who grabbed my shirt I would have “fallen” out a 19th story dorm window. That was in 1983.
But once I was past college and on my own two feet I’ve lead an OK life, so I’m glad I didn’t kill myself back then. I got to experience life on my own terms. Sometimes I […]
I was thinking about suicide and came to the conclusion that it is also a very “romantic” and passionate thing to do. This may sound awful, but I enjoy reading and hearing about suicides online and in the news. I do feel sorry for their loved ones, but it just inspires me and makes me think if they can do it, so can I and other people who no longer desire life. I try to put myself in their shoes, alone with some gun or rope or at the edge of a cliff ready to dive head first….adrenaline and excitement in their blood knowing life, […]
This song reaches out to those of us who have been told that they can’t do something, or to those of us who have had their hopes, dreams, and hearts ripped out. You can keep going. Inside all of us, there’s a warrior <3. Stay safe everyone.
I know that sometimes life is rough, and you feel that you can’t make it through the night or through the day. Some of us feel it necessary to drink or do drugs just to make it through. But I just want you to know that everyone is special, and that even though life doesn’t seem worth living, it’s best to keep going. There may be a nice surprise around the corner, and it’s just for you. I can’t tell you what it is, I don’t know what lies ahead, I don’t know if it’ll get worse before it gets better. But I know that […]
This song helped me when I was down, it helps you realize that you have people that care about you, even if they are far away or gone themselves. Stay safe everyone
This is one of my favorite songs to listen to when I’m down. I hope that you all like it. Stay safe everyone.
To let you all know that think about suicide that life is for a reason. I have suffered from brain cancer and depression; and I thought that my life was worthless. But I started to see a therapist and I took medicines. Now I am in school and I help anyone with common issues.
So I was 5 years old and I was told that I had cancer. I have had lots of treatment, with medicine with lots of needles. So I had 4 years of treatment and I have been in remission ever since. Then after being a 6 years cancer survivor, I started […]
Goner is an incredibly powerful song by my favorite band, Twenty Øne Piløts (it took me a while to figure out what my favorite band is since i love so many, but i realized i clung to them the most – their lyrics, the amount of emotion that is embodied in every track). I love it so much. It makes me want to scream and cry and laugh and smile.
Good music provokes emotion. And that is what Goner does to me. It makes me feel everything.
Goner is the last track on their latest album, Blurryface. I suggest taking a look […]
I hope you find it in your heart to watch this video and realize how much you really are cared for and how much we need you here.
The End? Sure, you’re in control of that. It’s your life after all, right? But stick around long enough to see you pull through this day… week… month and years. Before you know it, you will have succeeded.
Let life do its job. You? Be the difference in someone’s life… especially in yours.
Hi. I Care. I’m HERE4UOK
How can we all be so sad? Do you guys actually feel connected ? I see some old and some new, do we really help, or prolong doomed options?
I’m a drifter I’m come and go. . .
Cause I one day I find hope and the next dispair…
Which I believe is worse, my duel personalites are tearing me apart…
Where are you? Deep in your hole climbing or looking down?
Well I’m going to go a different road today and say that I have a pretty positive outlook on life at the moment.
Today was a actually a pretty good day and I’m thankful for it cause they’re rare anymore.
Had a good aa meeting, had a meeting downtown for community service hours and I didn’t buy any drugs even tho I kinda had a plan to mabey look for something to take the edge off. Even took the money out, just didn’t ask anyone so that felt pretty good too.
Getting out of the house too was actually good I didn’t want to leave my room today […]
hello.. this is my very first post. I have been lurking since the day that twix started posting. She touched me quite deeply, and made me wish that I could leave, as well. I don’t really want to die, but I have completely forgotten how to live. I also have no energy to live. Since I started lurking I have read almost all the posts, they help me on a daily bases. Each one of you is perfectly unique. I especially enjoy the posts and comments of cordless. You are so careful with your words, and show amazing grace and humility. It will take me […]
Was wondering if anyone one here has tried this before, kind of like running away I suppose.
I’ve had this idea now for a while and honestly I’m really wanting to go through with it.
I’m 17, failing college, deeply depressed, I have no idea what I’m doing with my life any more and some days it’s a miracle I am even here the next morning. For a while now I have had this idea in my head to pack my bag and leave a note to my family basically saying “Don’t look for me, I will find you when I’m ready.” After leaving home my plan […]
(….all of the words I wish I could say….)
My dearest,
I know you will never see this, however, I have to get this off my chest. I can pretend for a little while, at least for a fleeting moment, that you’ll see this note and your sea blue eyes will look on my words. I can dream, anyway– even if I have not slept for two days, I can day dream that you will read this. I can pretend you’re here, and that this nightmare that has become life never began.
This nightmare used to be a story of friendship and love, but it is now something […]
Okay, so maybe this is a bit unfair of me to ask at this moment in time…..as I haven’t never posted till tonight. BUT:
Have any of you ever really felt numb? I thought I had and I had to some rearguards….however tonight and as of this week, I realize something more.
And pls forgive me ahead of time, I have been drinking, but this is something I have found this past week…and I am sitting here…still waiting for my CHURRO!!! As if anyone can hear me, while the band is playing loud and I have turned down several offers of dances….I should probably take someone up […]
Because when she died, she grew wings, because when she died she set her soul free.
Because of her death the world will finally know the truth….
Butterflybae’s book is being published, “MASQUERADE” we are helping her to finish what she started. Her blog was a very small portion of what she had written in regards to her book. She kept a video diary as well, that will be put up on Youtube for all to see in the next few days. Also a complete collection of all her songs and poetry will also be published.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Hey guys. I’m new to this place but I thought I might share something I wrote a couple weeks back. I read someone’s post online saying he was going to commit suicide that day, and I felt this rush of empathetic love toward him. It led me to write a passage about depression.
A very short background about me: I’m a junior in college. Five years ago, I went through a two-year-long period of depression. I attempted suicide in the summer going into my sophomore year of high school. Since then, life has gotten increasingly better each year and I’m eternally grateful that I didn’t succeed […]