I have had it with everything.
for all im concerned I have had a pretty good upbringing.
although my mother liked to drink a lot and party and take drugs, she looked after me and my siblings well, that’s what I thought.
everyone els wanted to take me and my brothers and sisters away from her. they got there wish.
and she just started picking herself up and I was going to live with her again.. the only person I trusted, loved, felt safe around… she died a year ago..
since then I have been picked on and bullied.. I have tried suicide a fue […]
Believe it or not but i am only 13. I might as well begin with I have attempted suicide numerous amount of times; Cutting, Hanging an this might sound ridiculous but putting a knife in a toaster. Every time it ended up with me getting hurt and my mother covering it up as she thought if anyone knew i would be taken away from her. My Mother is mentally ill might i add (bipolar and depression). I myself have depression and it brings me down like a ton of bricks (correct me if i am using that phrase wrong) it brings me down to states […]
The above video uploaded by “Information Overload” portrays a 13 year old female who tags each member of the boy-band One Direction in a Twitter post, threatening to break her dog’s neck if they do not follow her. The pictures used on the account of this girl were used weeks before in another similar post. This “prank” is becoming a trend, apparently. Pictures of cats in blenders, children bound by masking tape, and a dog held at gunpoint. Maybe it’s just me, but this is not a funny joke. Comments? I can have very harsh, very sadistic humor at times, but I have never attempted or staged any […]
Okay, let’s see.. my story sucks a lot.. my name is Hannah and I’m 14, but it all started when I was 6.. when I was 6 my mom got married to my step dad, he had 2 sons, one was 13, when they moved in the one who was 13 started doing things with me.. I didn’t understand it then.. but he was sexually harassing me.. he was touching me in places and getting me to take my clothes off for him.. when I turned 8 we moved and it stopped.. but I felt odd around him.. I just didn’t feel safe.. when I […]
I have been plagued by reality since I was still a kid…
I am a Broomhilda,in a world that loves Diana’s…
Short, broad, and dieting since I was 12.
I was a goodyear blimp at 10 and I nearly died from the pain then.
I kept thinking that things would get better.
That I could overcome biology. That if I just tried hard enough I would’t be the fat chick.
Starving myself to death on and off for decades has changed nothing.
I’m still 75 lbs over weight. Still limited by this to nothing and no one.
Still dying inside everyday.
Nothing I do changes the reality I face. The you are so pretty […]
So I attempted suicide in 2001? I would have succeeded if a certain someone didn’t stick his nose where it didn’t belong. Here I am 13 years later and find myself feeling exhausted and tired again. Life truly is cruel and full of evil and corruption.
Somewhere online today I read to wait 3 days before acting on my feelings; why wait? Then I found myself here and don’t understand why I’m even typing this. All my letters are written, all important papers are out and on the kitchen table…… unless someone hands me the winning lottery ticket or changes whom I’ve become; my life will […]
Hi there I am 19 years of age I have suffered from depression since I was younger then 10 but I always could turn to my dad always knew what to do but he died when I was 11 and I just went worse ever since I have tried to kill my self countless times and so has others I’m hated by everyone including my family I should of died I have over dosed at 13 ended up in hospital kidney trouble I have cut my self tried to slit my neck few months after got caught knife got taken I tried hanging myself some […]
I have had suicidal ideation since I was 9 or 10. I believe it is largely due to being raised by two people who pretty much daily let me know that I was unwanted and a tremendous burden. I hesitate to suck on a helium tank because I’m told that it would irreparably harm my 13 year-old daughter. I am 50 years old and cannot grasp that I matter that much, never having meant anything to my parents except to be their emotional punching bag. Sometimes my empathy is crippling, but on this point I just don’t get it.
My mother is a narcissist. My mother is a professional victim. My mother is a fine actress although she’s never been on stage. As a child, I wasn’t allowed to breathe without her permission, input, critique, or criticism. She convinced people that she was a loving mother — a little overprotective, perhaps — but a loving mother and a devoted, long-suffering wife. All that came out of her mouth were sighs of her having to endure my volatile father and her shit daughter. Not my sister — she went to medical school so she’s an expert on every subject. I’m the lawyer, and hence, the moron in the family. My daughter and I […]
I turned 50 today. My daughter turned 13 today. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. The waitstaff brought out two cupcakes, each with a lit candle. I was told to make a wish, but none came to mind except, “I wish I would die.”
Everyone stares at me, i can’t breath. put on a smiling face but nothing is real, i feel hollow and empty everyday. I dont know if i can take this lie anymore.
When i was 13 i was raped, i dropped out after that.
nobody knows why i stopped going to school… the depression just got to be too much. i tried to kill myself and thats when my mother stopped pestering me everyday about getting on the bus, then this year… i thought my life got better. my depression wasnt so bad, so i tried to get back in school, they gave me the option to […]
Hi, I’m 13 and I’m in 7th grade. I have anxiety and depression. I’m absent from school a lot because of it. I try to explain to my mom that’s why I don’t go to school but she doesn’t believe me. I have no idea what to do. The school already threatened to call the police and I’m scared. It just adds onto my anxiety so much. Any advice ?
I’m 13 years old.
In and out of depression for two and a half years.
Screw it.
I’ve been in hospital for suicide too.
Therapy, DBT…. the works.
I don’t care anymore.
I. Am. DONE.
Time to die?
That sounds about right.
See ya.
You probably couldn’t care less to other people’s struggles because you got your own problems, but maybe we’re facing the same situation.I’m almost 18 now, and I’ve been struggling with my appearance since 13.It’s one of countless reasons why I feel depressed and suicidal.I’m a skinny pale shit, I have acne for 5 years, I hate my hair, and so on.People are always criticizing me : “You’re ugly!”; “You should get a tanning, ugly corpse!”; Your acne blemishes are horrible”; “You’re so skinny and look like a girl, an ugly girl!”.And the worst it’s that it’s truth, a harsh bitter truth.I try to ignore their […]
I’ve been struggling for so long now. The depression started at age 13 and never ceases. At age 17 I attempted suicide and after nearly needing a liver transplant, I survived. I committed to give it several more years to see if it gets better. It doesn’t.
My life is easier than 99% of the world. I wish I could take my life and let a North Korean have my opportunity. I’m fairly good looking, smart, and athletic; but I never cease wishing I were dead. I know I was happy as a kid, but I can’t really remember it. It’s been so long. Many people […]
It’s so horrible that I feel like I want to die every day! Like, why me? Why do I deserve to feel this way?! It all started when I was 13, started cutting, burning myself and suicide attempts… But when I was 15 it got so much worse! I had to deal with my 21 years old boyfriend at the time (we were together 10 months) Raping me, hitting me, making me do things that I didn’t want to do, stopping me talking to my friends and begging me to cut myself because he liked the look of it.. Because of him I tried to […]
So my issues with being suicidal are somewhat complicated. Well, everyone’s are. Does anyone else have a chronic illness? I was diagnosed with M.E at age 13. More commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome, that is however a pathetic name for something as debilitating as I have. I cycle through extremely bad times and not so bad times. The extremely bad times, like now consist of not being able to stand up for more than a minute, feeling the most overwhelming exhaustion the human body is capable of, not being able to shower or feed myself and being very depressed. The not so bad times […]
Hey everyone,
I’m not exactly new to SP, only because I’ve been a viewer for a while. You may have seen my shadow on your posts, that was me stalking you. haha. Anyways I’ve been replying to some of you guys, but I figure it’s time I formally introduce myself. So here I am. I feel like I can relate to a lot of you guys/gals. I have been through the ringer. There’s really not much I haven’t been through. So part of the reason why I’m here is you guys help remind me I’m not alone. And I want to be there and help others […]
If you don’t know by now I’m forced into the life of a loner I cant ever go outside my house without my parents constantly calling my phone every five seconds half the time I wanna put a bullet in my brain and end it all so I don’t have to feel this cruel reminder of what I could have but never will and the other half I wanna kill my mom she has done nothing but hurt me she has let me get severely bullied victimized and traumatized and PAYS someone to give a shit and my father who is a wanna be low down […]
I didn’t have a childhood; I don’t remember it. I don’t remember anything properly until age 13. I’ve heard stories; trips to disneyland, birthdays, holidays. I don’t remember anything.
When I was 15, a memory came back to me. A series of memories, in flashbacks.
I was four. I remembered all those times you left me alone in the basement; I remember crying so loudly that the neighbours called social services and I almost got taken away. I remembered that time you were on the telephone, screaming to somebody that you were going to kill yourself and me.
The last memory I have is of the day you […]