Although nowadays I rarely actively post in this wonderful website anymore, yet I still often follow and observe many posts here. Some have become a bit of spamming, which is so unfortunate IMHO, but I am glad that there are still some sincere, honest, human-heartfelt posts here I’ve noticed.
And of all these sincere, honest heartfelt posts, I’ve eventually noticed, and learned, that there’s really one common tread that if I may summarize it in one short phrase, it is this: It seems really ironic that nowadays we may have forgot about being Human, and instead become more like a Machine. Not asking (with empathy) how are YOU doing or feeling, but instead how is your school/job/business going. We forgot to sometimes take our time to stop, truly FEEL,..and just simply let ourselves being Human.
Feel love.
instead of all the constant judgmental & judgings of “so how’s your school? so how’re you doing in those uni classes? so how’s ur job? so how’s ur business?”, even the seemingly ‘innocent’ questions such “so how’s your kids doing? how’s ur family doing” would easily becoming a hot, cruel gossip and comparison materials with each other, more judging & judgmental.
Feel people.
I always wonder why us (humans) seems to be happier when we were small kids compared to when we’ve grown into an adult & even older person (although it’s not a guarantee also. This world is sometimes so damn painful to live, that I sincerely feel that perhaps it’s much better for a child *not* to be born into this world!). I have somewhat then slowly realized that because as we grow older, there are just so many shits and trivialities of the so-called “mature, adult Life” and multiplied with constant expectations to become a “successful outperforming Machine” (NOT Human, oh no no!) for the ‘System’, working for ‘The Man’, for the Riches, etc,….that all of these make us not FEEL people anymore! Instead, we act like damn robots/machines sometimes, asking how’s your SCHOOL/JOB/BUSINESS doing, instead of how are YOU doing!! We constantly repressed and shut down our feelings because afraid that we will be told to “grow up, suck it up, don’t be a crybaby, don’t be an ’emo’ , that’s just how LIFE is” and many other rubbish to make us essentially LOSE our humanity…..being HUMAN. With one another.
Feel Mother Nature.
Some of the people who’ve posted in this website and committed suicide are seriously some of the most beautiful, loving, sincere, heartfelt souls I’ve ever known (not to mention even very smart/intelligent in a ‘not-bending-for-the-fucked-up-System’ individuals) that seems to want nothing more than leading a simple life, and co-existing together with Mother Nature!
I strongly believe that humans are not meant to live inside the high-rises bricks-and-aluminiums-steel. There’s probably a strong underlying reason why we are sometimes or often advised by some self-help books/articles to go out, seek Nature, and bask and become ‘one’ with it. Because I believe it’s HOW humans are: to co-exist together with Nature. not to destroy, ruin it all in the name of fucking Profits and Money.
Basically, I have even come to a conclusion that: this world (society) nowadays doesn’t seem to allow people to FEEL too much of things! The more you’re like a ‘machine’, be it a money-making machine, grinding-work machine, working-in-the-Man-system machine etc, then you’ll become more said “successful” person. I guess it’s no wonder that a lot of famous people are even not that happy, some even commit suicide. Because they’re told to keep striving, getting better, getting better, getting better, work for money, more money, sponsors, advertisements, company etc etc…and less time to STOP and FEEL things! Less time for being HUMAN.
Isn’t it all ironic of how ‘Humanity’ have progressed nowadays and WILL perhaps even further progress into?
And the most beautiful, sincere, heartfelt souls/individuals who truly FEEL and being the kindest, caring souls are often viewed very wrongly by Society as “too crybaby, not Mature, too sensitive, too gay, emo” etc, and even worse is diagnosed as having “disorders, need to be treated or rehab, NOT normal”.
We are becoming more like Machines, not Human anymore. And that’s just really sad.
1 comment
This really got me thinking..Thank you 🙂 We need more people like you!