I walked outside today and realized it was warm enough to not need a jacket. As the sun shone down on me I fought back tears, the change of season would mark the one year anniversary of my downfall. It would remind me of how long it has been and how deep I have gotten myself into this. I never knew it would go on for a year, I thought everything would be fine by now. One year ago if you were to have looked me in the eye and explained how I would starve myself, then force myself to vomit every single day, multiple times a day, then drag a scissor blade over my skin and leave a scar I would regret forever, not once, but three times, I would have simply looked at you and laughed. That wasn’t me, I had everything under control. I wouldn’t have believed that multiple students told the counselor on me at school, or that I lied to the counselor and enjoyed every moment of it, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine that I would end up in counseling, dreading every moment of it. Nothing could have prepared me for the nights I have spent curled in a ball wishing to die, but knowing that I have to hold on for everyone who loves me. Sobbing so violently that nothing can calm me down, because I realize that I am not afraid of dying. I couldn’t have guessed that food would become my enemy, and I would push my body to its limits. I would lose friends and lose focus at school. I would deny my stomach of food for so long, that when I finally caved, my stomach no longer knew what to do with it. I would fight everyone, for as long as I could, and trust no one. I would cry every time I was hugged, because knowing someone cared was the best feeling in the world. In one year, everything can change. Mentally I’ve lost myself. My therapist thinks I need to rebuild relationships with my parents, but no one understands that I don’t want that. I don’t want their love now, because it’s too late. They deserve my silence. I scare myself; I know I have so much to live for. I have amazing friends, also teachers that make sure I remember how strong I am, I have guys that flirt with me, I play sports, I have been on the honor roll all throughout school. I don’t talk back to my parents and people love my personality. I was a finalist in the local pageant in my city and I volunteer all the time. If you looked at me I would appear so put together, so perfect. Yet my smile hides the darkest things, when I am alone this shows. When I cry myself to sleep, when the only comforting thing to think about to get me to sleep is thinking about what it would be like to die, it’s scary. Because I want to live, I want to overcome. I can’t leave everyone who needs me. It makes me angry when people call me “sick†because I do not feel sick. I don’t want to admit it, but maybe I am. Right now I am trying so hard. Trying to get over this and move on. I’m only 16 years old, smart and innocent. Smiling and laughing gets me through, I know I can do this. I know I can do this. It’s just about staying strong and opening up. I’m just trying to convince myself I will be okay.
1 comment
I know that convincing yourself is the hardest part… and you WILL be okay. Sometimes, life can be very stressful even when things seem to be going well. You’ve accomplished so much already and I know you’ll accomplish more. Like you said, stay strong… communicate, too. When you need help, tell someone. You’re not in this alone.