Alright im 19 years old. You guys on here think you’ve been threw stuff? My Bio dad abannded me when i was born. Another man Adopted me and called me his. Only for me to find out it really wasnt him who was my dad. Brother died of cancer. I pretty much raised him. I have attempted suicide many times and i believe that it has put me in an inbetween of this and the next life. I look around and everything seems darker. The whole world just angier.
When i began expiermenting with drugs i did many things. Ive done anywhere from pot/DMT/Spice/Coke and about any pill you can think of. the Trips i experienced there were amazing. Id become a complete different person and wouldnt feel this worlds pain. Then i overdosed and went into a trip far beyond this worlds grasp on what is and isnt. I understand all procautions there are about death, im aware of what is after this whole thing. I am willing to trade this for that in all honesty.
My grades in college are all A’s. My home life is not good. No job/girlfriend/boyfriend or many friends for that fact. Its normally just me and one friend. All we do is get fucked up to forget this world. Anyone know of a quick way to just die.
I just wanna know that one thing. Whats a good way to die. idc about pain i can withstand it.
1 comment
Finding a good way to die here isn’t what this site is about nor or methods supposed to be discussed. Though you will read posts that get through the cracks about methods.
Why don’t you search the net to get your answer.
Anyone that has committed suicide after posting here surely can’t come back and say this was a good way or bad way.
What ever your choice to live or to die will be your choice.
Explore reasons to live, Google Anit Moorjani and see what she says about what she believes was a near death experience.