i am, its true. you are ALWAYS here for me, when im to fucked, to even think. promise after promise i make to u saying i will not attempt suicide, i will quit cutting, and in a week i will stop taking pills for the hell of it. honestly, im sorry, idk why i make promises i cant keep. i try but my mind out rules me. everytime. im terrified, i dont deserve a friend as AMAZING as u, im scared u will finally understand that, and leave. im still ALWAYS and FOREVER will be here for u. u can tell me ANYTHING. but again im the worst best friend ever, cuz i attempted it again! im sorry, i truly am. i dont do know what to do anymore, i had to watch my dad abuse my puppy, listen to him insult me, ***** at my mom, and scream at my sister, then got beat even worse then ever by my sister, today. im finally seeing: my dad is the key issue! if i can just get away from him. i know i can be happy. i know i can be a better person. i can be a better friend. i dont think u know how sad i am for everything that happened when the night i was so fuckin close to leavin the world forever. this is a never ending cycle. i PROMISE i will try so hard not to let my mind beat me, now that i finally see what my life is giving me. please, just know, i care so much bout u. im only trying to leave my family not u. im still and always will be really sorry.
What happened when you tried again and what about the divorce? I’ll email you now, I haven’t been home much what’s so ever today. I was at my grandma’s house for like thirty minutes and I couldn’t log into my email there because she didn’t know her password so if I logged her out, she wouldn’t be able to get back in. I was able to post real quick but that’s about all. I’m home now though so we can talk now.
I feel sort of the same towards my best friend. Shes always there for me when i need her. But i feel like such a bad friend because all i do is worry her and break promises. All i talk about to her is how i want to kill myself or that ive burned myself recently. Now she thinks that ive stopped burning but i havent been able to. I feel like such a bad friend all the time
Hang in there!!!!
You seem alright to me. Just maybe a poisonous family.?.?.?.?
Hang in there