I’m thirty years old, and I’ve done nothing with my life. I have no job. I have no friends, and I’m failing in school again. I can’t take these cycles any longer. I do well for a couple years. I make friends, hold a job, and do well in school. Then the depression comes back. I push my friends away, lose my job, and fail in school. I’ve gotten help in the past, but that only left me tens of thousands of dollars in debt. I need ECT again, but I don’t have insurance or any way to pay for it. I can’t take this anymore. Spending all of my sane time fixing what I broke during my insane time only to break it all when the inevitably insanity comes back isn’t a way to live. I can’t go on like this. I need to come up with a serious plan to end it.
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1 comment
You can live a lot of years more than 30, don’t leave because life is giving you problems. Try to find something that keeps your mind happy, that makes you smile. It could be anything, a hobby, a person… If you endured thirty years you should’t give up right now.