i hope you are up to date with your reading. someone is jerking me around. your office says its the insurance co. the insurance co says its the office. either way for some reason my co-pay to see you has now tripled. been waiting for some edict from on high saying i need to stop seeing you so often. guess now i got it. something to do with specialist services versus therapy services. blah blah blah. i love insurance companies. oh well its only money right? my current financial crisis notwithstanding. i keep saying i am worth more dead than alive. yet another example. someone please tell me again why i am bothering with all this? right now it all seems like a waste of time and money. my “emotion mind” is telling me that i am not worth the extra expenditure. with the way things are looking right now i would have to agree.
explain to me how a 20-30 minute appt is worth $275!!! as usual its the patient who takes it up the ass! keep smiling kids it only gets worse!
Everyone should have access to affordable healthcare and education. These services are monopolised because there are a limited number of providers. They all want nice cars, houses and a private tuition for their precious children whilst spending most of their time on holiday instead of actually doing something to earn it.
Holy shit, what a ripoff..! Yeah, if you can cancel further business with these jerks, please do so now. There have got to be others in similar fields who will help you heal instead of dig you a deeper hole. Wow…