I’m going to try and give my story the best way I can. I haven’t been on this Earth for a very long time, and I’ve been plagued by problems (but not as much compared to come of the posts I’ve read on here). I started having suicidal thoughts when I was about 10, and I’ve had them ever since. I started having them because I was being bullied very badly at school. My Mother (who is going to appear many times in this story), also picked on me but not as bad. Fast forward 2 years from then, I started getting homeschooled, and my Mother completely goes in on me. She calls me fat, a wench, she said I was the dumbest child, she tells me she’s going to send me to live with my biological Father, that since I’m my Dad’s biological daughter she can’t expect much from me, and so on. My Mother has pushed me to the brink of suicide many times, although I have never summoned up the courage to attempt it, and I guess because my dreams of being a singer give me the strength. My Mother is a crazy and stupid woman. I am a child of a cuckold relationship, all of my siblings are but I guess my Mom hates my Dad the most. I don’t even know what to believe anymore. My Mother has told me that my Father driven a woman to commit murder in the city I was born, and many other lies. My Mother also claimed that I said I saw my Father in a drug deal when I was younger, but I don’t remember saying this. My Mother also got me to argue with and belittle my Father, when I was younger and impressionable. Now I’m afraid to talk to him because I feel so bad. My Mother and I were watching a documentary about someone, because they had died of cancer. And the symptoms that the person had I also had, and I wanted to hear more about that. After we watched the documentary we learned the person had a very hard life. And it seemed as if my Mother wanted ME to go through those things, including dying at a young age of cancer. I don’t want to go into further detail about anything, because I’m afraid she’ll find me on the web.
You’re not alone.
Ever since my dad passed away around 4 years ago my mom has ruined my life. She puts me down, does as little as possible to help me. She’s made me want to kill myself countless tim and I haven’t because I can’t let her win. That’s what she wants.. She adores my brother and hates me. Everyone thinks I’m crazy because my mom puts on an act whenever anyone else is around, and since she doesn’t hit me physically, no one can help me. Emotional abuse should be against the law. It’s ok if you didn’t read all of this, but I googled ‘Mothers who drive their kids to suicide’ and your post came up, and made me see I’m not alone.
You need to just leave you don’t need her something bad must have happened to her she’s making your life a living hell ask to stay with a friend for awhile and try and contact your dad that is if he is a good guy? Talk to him see if he is upset with you it’s okay your not alone I’m here sometimes some people weren’t made to be parents because they don’t know how to treat or raise kids right don’t kill yourself I’m sure your life will get better