I lived my life as a child who had big dreams. I wanted to be a teacher or a doctor because that’s what kids my age wanted to be at the time. Life outside was great,but coming home was never any fun. There were times when I enjoyed being home. Other times I wish I had a place to run to. Four years go by and every single day of those years were awful. What still brings me tears is when on July 5th I told myself “This was beautiful day”. From then till now I haven’t had a beautiful day. I became a druggie but had help and got off of my addiction. Now I’m an addict to cutting my wrist. I dont do it as often as I used to,but the slightest thing could trigger my awful habits. Some days I just want to just swallow some pills,overdose on some drugs, or even find a gun and BAM! end it. Sadly tonight is one of those nights. Hopefully I wake up to see another day.
How did this happen?
written by knocked down to many times
1 comment
1 comment
Please don’t, please wake up and see the beauty of the sunrise.
You have battled an addiction and proved yourself to be an incredible and strong person.
I know how you feel sometimes life just seems so ugly, people hide their ugliness behind painted doors and pretty faces but once you see behind the mask it becomes so hard to see the beauty in life or a reason to carry on. I used to cu,t the pain and the blood was a release but it was also a prison I couldn’t stop despite declaring time and time again that this was the last one and that i would never cut again.
Focus on the good things you have done in your life, think of the beautiful days you have lived and find the will to live another beautiful day recreate a happy memory, do somthing you love, visit a place or a person of importance of you. Attempt to see the beauty in life and find the strength to carry on and make your life beautiful.