i know that i said that i would wait but i found the key to the trigger lock taped to the inside of the box so tonight is the night I’m going to go get some burger king and a pack of cigs a few beers and finish the job goodbye everyone. ill let y’all know if i puss out at 10:00 tomorrow morning but don’t count on it.
You shouldn’t just pull the trigger so easily..
I really hope you don’t do it
why does everyone thing i made a rash decision because something bad happened i live in pain every day for the past 3 years with the occasional relief don’t ry to talk me out of it don’t act like I’m going to change my mind because goddamnit I’m not
It’s only natural they are going to try to talk you out of it (even if they know about living in daily pain as well). I catched a couple of your posts and… man, all i can say is, whatever you end up doing, i wish you luck and that you find peace (in life or in death). Make sure to enjoy your burger king, cigs and beers before.
I hope your burger is delicious- and get a milkshake too, just for the Hell of it. I’m really sorry you have to go, but if it will find you peace, then I hope you find it.
I thought that I could wait too, but I was wrong. I will be dying either today or tomorrow as well. I hope you find the relief you’re looking for.
people will always say don’t do it. it is what people say. i hope peace finds you. here